Chapter 51

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Eventually, everyone starts gathering in the blocked up entrance hall. Fili, Kili, and I sit on scattered rocks while others mill around. Bofur walks past me, and I give him a weak smile. He returns the same smile and continues to pace.

Suddenly, footsteps are heard approaching us. We lift our heads and see the dark shape of our Dwarven king coming towards us, light shining on him from behind. His crown and long fur cloak are gone.

Kili stands up, his face set in a determined position. Fili, me, and the other dwarves stand behind him.

"I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight our battles for us!" Kili shouts. His voice grows quieter. "It's not in my blood, Thorin."

"No. It is not," Thorin replies in a whisper. "We are sons of Durin, and Durin's Folk do not flee from a fight."

After a long period of silence, they touch foreheads, which is traditional for us Dwarves.

Thorin continues to walk towards us, touching foreheads with Fili and then me. Kili keeps his back to us for a moment, does a quick fist bump out of joy, and walks towards us.

"I am sorry for everything I've done to you, Nossa. You didn't deserve it," Thorin whispers to me. His crystal blue eyes have returned to their normal state, warm and familiar. I smile, holding back tears.

"I forgive you, Thorin. I'm so glad to have you back."

He smiles and turns to the rest of his kin.

"I have no right to ask this of any of you," he begins. "But will you follow me one last time?"

We all nod and raise our weapons, holding them firmly in our hands. I refrain from crying or screaming or hugging everyone.

"Good. Now, let's break down this wall, shall we?" Thorin asks. We cheer and set up a battering ram from a broken bell, which will be used to shatter the wall that separates us from the battle.

I turn to Fili and Kili.

"Before we go, I feel like I need to say this." I hug Kili, and he hugs back. "I love you guys like brothers. I'll never stop loving you, no matter what happens." I release Kili and turn to Fili. I grab his shoulders and kiss him, and he quickly returns it.

"Amrâlimê," I whisper.

"Amrâlimê," he replies. I then go up to Thorin.

"Good luck, Uncle," I say, hugging him. He hugs back, much to my surprise.

"See you soon, Nossa," he replies. I smile at him before finding Bombur.

"Bombur, Bombur!" I call. The large dwarf turns to me. "Will you do the honours of blowing the horn?"

He nods and smiles, grabbing the war horn from a shelf nearby. He climbs the staircase and stands on the wall, beginning to blow the large horn.

The sound echoes through the land, and the sound outside the wall momentarily stops.

"Now!" Thorin calls. Bofur, who's near the back of our V formation, snips a rope, sending the bell smashing through the wall.

As the dust clears, we charge out of the mountain, shouting. I run to the left side of Fili, both brothers on either side of Thorin.

As we pass Dain, he smiles widely.

"To the King!"

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