Chapter 33

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"Watch out! There's Orcs!" Bofur yells as the dead elf hits the water. Orcs start climbing the walls, and we're powerless without our weapons.

"Get under the bridge!" Thorin yells. An Orc leaps on Nori, and Bilbo kills it with his sword, which wasn't taken from him.

Kili starts running to the stairs, and my eyes widen.

"Kili, no! You'll get killed!" I scream.

"It's the only way!" he replies. Dwalin tosses him a dead Orc's weapon, and he kills the beasts in his path. One sneaks up behind him, and Fili kills it with his knife.

"That was your last knife!" I exclaim.

"I know! But the life of my brother is more important!" he yells back.

We watch Kili, killing any orcs that get to us. As he's about to reach the lever, an arrow impales itself into his leg.

"Kili!" Fili screams. He falls to the ground, unable to pull the lever.

An arrow kills the Orc that's going for Kili, and I see Tauriel running out of the woods. She continues to cut down Orcs, and suddenly the blonde elf, I heard Tauriel call him Legolas, comes out of the woods as well, killing orcs.

Kili crawls towards the lever and pulls it, causing the metal gates to open. Everyone starts leaving the kingdom, and Fili and I look up at Kili.

"Kili!" I yell. He scoots off of the platform and drops into his barrel, causing the shaft to snap off the arrow head. He grunts loudly and Tauriel turns to look. An orc sneaks up behind her, and I fling my knife into its skull.

She looks at me and nods in thanks as we drop down the waterfall outside of the Elven Kingdom.

There are multiple miniature waterfalls outside the gates to the kingdom, and the orcs try desperately to keep up with us. They shoot at us and jump on us, and we toss them into the river.

An orc is about to jump on Balin and Thorin throws a spear, nailing the orc to a tree branch.

Nori tosses a weapon to Fili, who kills an orc on the bank of the river. It falls, nearly landing on top of me.

"Sorry Nossa!" Fili yells.

"That's okay!" I reply.

We sail underneath a fallen tree, where Orcs stand and shoot at us.

"Cut the log!" Thorin yells.

As we pass, we smack the branch with our obtained weapons. I caught a sword from an orc, and I land the finishing blow on the log, causing it to split and drop the orcs in the river.

Bombur gets tossed into the air by a spear and he crushes the orcs along the banks. I can't help but laugh as orc after orc is crushed by Bombur in a barrel. He eventually lands and kills a bunch of orcs with their own weapons.

He lands back in the river and Legolas uses Dwalin and Dori's heads as stands while he shoots the on-coming orcs.

He hops from head to head and lands on the shore. An orc comes up behind him, and Thorin throws a sword through its gut. I didn't expect Thorin to save an elf, but he did.

We maintain a large distance between the orcs, and we continue sailing. Eventually the water becomes calm and we have to paddle with our hands to keep moving.

"Anything behind us?" Thorin asks.

"Not that I can see," Balin replies.

"I think we've outrun the Orcs," Bofur says.

"Not for long. We've lost the current," Thorin replies.

"Bombur's half drowned," Dwalin states.

"Make for the shore!" Thorin yells.

We reach the shore and I immediately run to Kili. The arrowhead is still in his leg, and I pray that it isn't poisoned. Fili follows right behind me.

Kili falls to the ground, holding his leg. He's breathing heavily, and I look at him with concern.

"I'm fine. It's nothing," he grunts.

Bofur comes over, concern in his eyes.

"You alright?"

Kili just nods.

"On your feet!" Thorin orders.

"Kili's wounded. His leg needs binding," Fili says.

"There's an Orc pack on our tail. We keep moving," Thorin says.

"No! I'm not leaving until Kili's leg is bound. I won't have him dying of blood loss!" I exclaim. Thorin stares at me.

"Where would we go, anyway?" Balin asks.

"To the mountain. We're so close," Bilbo says.

"A lake lies between us and that mountain," Balin retorts. "We have no way to cross it."

"So then we go around!" Bilbo says.

"The orcs will run us down, as sure as daylight," Dwalin says. "We've no weapons to defend ourselves."

Thorin looks at the company, then back at me.

"Bind his leg. Quickly. You have two minutes."

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