Chapter 25

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I can hear the orc pack on our trail, and it only urges me to run faster. When the creature roars again, the sound of our pursuers feet stop. We stop for a moment, but Gandalf doesn't.

"This way! Quickly!" he yells.

"Run!" Thorin yells.

"I'm getting really tired of running!" I yell between breaths. Bombur stops to stare at the mighty beast behind us, and Bofur grabs his beard.

"Bombur, come on!"

"To the house!" Gandalf yells. I look ahead of me and see a cottage looking building in the middle of a large field. Mountains lay around it, and the house is surrounded by trees.

"Run!" Gandalf beckons.

Bombur starts passing everyone, and eventually he's beside me.

There's no way I'm letting him beat me to the house.

I pick up the pace and reach the gate to the cottage before everyone else.

"Come on, get inside!" Gandalf yells. Fili reaches my side, and in no time Kili does too. We get to the door of the cottage and begin to attempt at getting the door open.

I do a shoulder check and see a massive bear-like creature running at us from out of the forest. My eyes widen and I rip the door open.

Everyone spills into the cottage and we slam the door shut as soon as the last person comes in. As we're closing it, the jaws of the bear block the way. All of us shove against the door, avoiding flying slobber and sharp teeth.

We get the door shut and Dwalin and Kili pull down the latch. We all look at Gandalf, panting.

"What is that?" Ori asks.

"That is our host," Gandalf replies. "His name is Beorn, and he's a skin-changer."

"You have got to be joking," I moan.

"Sometimes he's a huge black bear. Sometimes he's a great strong man," Gandalf explains. "The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overfond of dwarves."

We all stare at Gandalf in disbelief. First, we risk our lives in attempting to outrun a murderous bear. Then we find out he's our host, and he isn't fond of dwarves.

Great job, Gandalf.

We hear a roar from outside and we all look towards the door.

"He's leaving," Ori says, his ear pressed against the door.

"Come away from there," Dori scolds, pulling his brother away by the arm. "It's not natural. None of it. It's obvious. He's under some dark spell."

"Don't be a fool," Gandalf says. He's under no enchantment but his own. Alright, now get some sleep. All of you. You'll be safe here tonight." He pauses and mumbles under his breath. "I hope."

I finally have a chance to look around the cottage. It's filled with horses, cows, chickens, and a few other animals. All the animals are surprisingly very friendly. There are stacks of hay lying around, and I lie in one and cover myself with my blanket.

Fili and Kili join me and lie down on either side of me. In no time at all, we're asleep.

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