Chapter 39

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Thorin wake us early in the morning and we get ready to leave. I am given an axe and armor, and soon after we start heading to our boat which we will use to sail to the mountain.

"You do realize we're one short. Where's Bofur?" Bilbo asks.

"If he's not here, we leave him behind," Thorin says.

"We'll have to," Balin says. "If we're to find the door before nightfall, we can risk no more delays."

As we're getting onto the boat, Thorin stops Kili.

"Not you. We must travel at speed. You will slow us down."

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you," Kili replies, dumbfounded.

"Not now."

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened," Kili says. "When we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin."

"Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed," Thorin says.

"I'll stay with the lad," Oin says. "My duty lies with the wounded."

I stare at Kili, my heart breaking. All the stories we've been told... and he won't see it with us? My head starts spinning and I have to take a deep breath to focus.

"Uncle," Fili says. "We grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You cannot take that away from him."

"Fili," Thorin begins.

"I will carry him if I must!"

"One day you will be king and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one Dwarf. Not even my own kin," Thorin says.

Fili starts climbing out of the barge, and Thorin tries to stop him.

"Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the company."

"I belong with my brother."

I stand up and step out of the barge.

"Nossa, you can't be staying here as well," Thorin says.

"I will not see the mountain halls and all of its riches without my best friends by my side," I state. I walk to Fili and Kili's sides and horns blow, signalling the barge taking off.

Bofur comes barging through the crowd and watches the boat disappear. He turns around and sees us.

"Ha. So you missed the boat as well?" he asks.

I'm about to say something, but Kili keels over, nearly falling. I catch him and so does Fili and Oin.

"Kili? Kili!" Fili says desperately. "Someone help us!"

Nobody does, and I turn to the guys.

"We have to take him to Bard's. It's our only chance," I say.

"He'll never take us in. Not after last night," Oin objects.

"We must try! It's our only chance!" I exclaim.

"Hurry then!" Fili yells.

We run to Bard's as fast as possible, dragging Kili with us. Bofur knocks on the door, and Bard answers. As he sees us, he scowls.

"No. I'm done with dwarves. Go away."

He begins to close the door, but Bofur stops him.

"No, no, no! Please! No one will help us. Kili's sick." He turns to Kili, who's pale and sweating. "He's very sick."

"Fine. Bring him in," Bard sighs.

We lay him on the bed and Bard starts rummaging through medicines. Oin is trying to figure out a cure, but is unsuccessful. Bofur boils water and dabs it on his wound while Fili and I try to keep Kili still. He's screaming in agony, and tears are in my eyes.

"Hold on, Kili," I whisper.

"Is there anything you can do?" Fili asks.

"I need herbs. Something to bring down his fever," Oin replies.

"I have nightshade. I have feverfew," Bard says, dropping stuff on the kitchen table.

"They're no use to me. Do you have any kingsfoil?" Oin asks.

"No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs," Bard replies.

"Pigs? Weed. Right," Bofur says. He quickly turns to Kili. "Don't move."

"He wasn't planning on it," I call as Bofur leaves the house.

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