Chapter 29

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I wake up, and everything is fuzzy. I try to move, but my entire body is wrapped in a tight cocoon of sticky web. I see the spiders dragging dwarves and hanging them on trees, and I stay as still as possible so they don't see that I'm awake.

I hear a high pitched shriek and turn to see a sword emerging from a cocoon. I manage to reach the knife at my side and slice the side of my web cage open. I roll out onto a branch and hide in a nook.

I don't know where Bilbo is, but I can see one of my kin kicking at a group of spiders that are speaking to each other in a language I can't understand.

A thudding sound is heard and the spiders go running off to chase the person or object except one. He's about to start eating the dwarf when he hisses all of a sudden and drops his meal.

He begins fighting an invisible object, and I'm more confused than I've ever been. Maybe the hallucinogenic air is finally getting to me.

All of a sudden, Bilbo appears out of nowhere with a ring in his hand.

"Here," he whispers. He thrusts his sword into the spider's face and it shrieks before falling dead to the forest floor.

"Ah! It stings!" the creature cries. "It stings!"

Bilbo looks at the sword and smiles.

"Sting. That's a good name. Sting."

He starts walking across branches and cutting dwarves loose. I hop along tree branches and do the same. Eventually, we run into each other.

"Nossa?" Bilbo asks in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm awake. Let's get these dwarves down before the spiders come back," I reply. He looks confused before shrugging and continuing to cut down dwarves.

As soon as they hit the forest floor, they free themselves from the webs.

"You all right there, Bofur?" Gloin asks.

"I'm alright!" Balin calls.

"Get it off me!" Thorin grumbles.

"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur asks.

"I'm up here!" Bilbo calls. As he does this, a spider jumps out at him from nowhere, knocking him off guard.

He stabs the beast, and the last thing I see is them tumbling off the tree.

"Bilbo!" I yell as he falls.

"Nossa? Nossa!" I hear Fili yelling.

"I'm up here! Bilbo just fell off the tree!" I yell back.

"We'll find him! Just get down, the spiders are coming!" Kili yells.

I swing down from the tree and both Fili and Kili look relieved.

"Come on, we have to get out of here," Fili says. We start running across the forest floor as fast as we can.

"Bilbo fell. We have to find him," I pant.

"Not now, lass!" Balin yells. I look up and see a hoard of spiders coming in our direction.

I start stabbing the spiders with my knife, but we can't hold them off. We're still to weak from poison.

A spider leaps on top of Bombur, and we all grab one of its legs.

"Pull!" Bifur yells.

We all tug with all our might, and the limbs come off the spider. The body lands on Bombur, and he easily shoves it off.

We continue running through the forest, no more spiders pursuing us.

Suddenly, a spider appears in our pathway and we stop. Thorin's about to run for it, but it's killed all of a sudden by a lightning fast figure. It stops in front of us, a bow aimed at Thorin's face.

It's an elf. Great.

We look around and see about twenty other elves standing around us, all with loaded bows aimed for us.

"Do not think I won't kill you, Dwarf," says the blonde elf that's pointing an arrow at Thorin's face. "It would be my pleasure."

"Help!" the unmistakeable voice of Kili rings out.

"Kili!" Fili and I yell at the same time.

We look to see Kili getting pinned down by a massive spider, his foot in its mouth. More are coming, and we try to run to him but are stopped.

That's when an elf woman appears, shooting the spiders that show up and the one holding Kili.

He spins around, his eyes wide with shock.

"Throw me a dagger!" Kili yells to the elf. "Quick!" There's a spider coming right for him.

"You think I'm giving you a weapon, Dwarf, you're mistaken!" she yells back. I sigh angrily and toss one to Kili, who quickly kills the spider.

The elf woman looks at me, then back to Kili. He stands there stunned, and the elf leads him back to us.

"Search them," the blonde elf commands.

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