Chapter 46

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I wake up the next morning and blink the sleep out of my eyes. Fili is next to me, his muscular arms around my waist.

He mumbles something incoherent and brings me closer to him. I chuckle and try to squirm away, but he smiles and stops me.

"I knew you weren't asleep," I mutter, trying not to laugh. He opens his eyes slowly and smiles.

"You were asking for cuddles. I could sense it."

I roll my eyes and snuggle close to him, braiding his hair. His crystal blue eyes twinkle, and I can't help but kiss him.

Suddenly, someone bangs on our door, which causes both Fili and I to jump.

"Wakey wakey, lovebirds! Uncle Thorin wants us on guard at the wall," Kili's voice rings out.

"Shut up!" Fili calls back.

Kili laughs, then we hear the sound of his boots thudding down the passageway. I groan and get up, quickly getting dressed into my regular pants, shirt, Dwarvish coat, belt, and boots. I pull my moonstone necklace over my head, refusing to leave it behind. Fili gets dressed and together, we go down to the wall that we spent hours on last night, weapons in hand.

The other dwarves are looking at rows of jewels or relaxing. We join Kili, who's running his hand through a basket of clear gems.

"There's so much, yet Thorin refuses to give some to the needy," he mutters.

I nod and sigh. Thorin's sick, no doubt about it.

As Fili is observing some jewels, Thorin marches through the hall and up the stairs to the gate.

"Come on," he bellows. We run up the stairs and are met by thousands of elves, all standing in the ruins of Dale. Hoofbeats are heard, and Bard comes riding down the pathway leading to the mountain.

"So the bowman lives," I mumble, relieved. After what I saw during our escape, I'm glad his kids aren't orphans.

"Hail Thorin, son of Thrain. We are glad to find you alive beyond hope," Bard calls out.

"Why do you come to the gates of the King under the Mountain armed for war?" Thorin demands.

"Why does the King under the Mountain fence himself in like a robber in his hold?" Bard shoots back.

"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed!"

"My Lord, we have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement," Bard says calmly. "Will you not speak with me?"

Thorin nods and walks down the staircase. I look at Fili and Kili, all of us with the same tension in our eyes. Only now have I realized how close this war is to happening.

Bard dismounts his horse and walks to the small hole we crafted for such a purpose as to speak with outsiders. I hear whispering, then yelling. I block them out, not wanting to hear what mistakes are being made.

"Let's go," Kili says. Together, the fourteen of us go down the stairs and stand behind Thorin, waiting patiently for what he has to say. Bard still peers through the hole, waiting for Thorin's final say.

"Be gone! Ere our arrows fly!" Thorin yells. Bard yells in frustration and goes back to his horse, quickly galloping away. Bilbo turns to Thorin.

"What are you doing?!"

A/N: Sorry about the lack of uploads. I've been really busy lately, but no excuses. I'm going to try daily chapters again.
Media: Nossa's outfit and hairstyle minus the small beard in the picture.

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