Chapter One

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The metallic tang of blades clashing resonated across the frozen battlegrounds, a dissonant symphony echoing through the icy air. The clash of steel upon steel, accompanied by the agonizing screams of the wounded, painted a haunting melody that hung heavy in the frigid night. The scent of iron lingered in the air as snowflakes gently descended, indifferent witnesses to the carnage unfolding below.

Blood, a stark contrast against the ivory snow, spilled from both sides, creating macabre patterns on the icy canvas beneath. The once untouched landscape now bore witness to the brutality of conflict, as the ground became a mosaic of crimson stains. Lifeless bodies lay sprawled across the frozen expanse, their final moments etched in the snow.

Wolves, their fur stained with the evidence of savagery, tore into flesh with primal ferocity. Orcs, their faces twisted into masks of ruthless determination, killed without remorse, their black eyes void of any flicker of emotion as their blades sliced through the chilled air. Each clash, each strike, left a trail of devastation in its wake.

Onyx stood at the heart of the battlefield, her golden eyes reflecting the carnage surrounding her. And then, in the midst of the chaos, a figure emerged. Rok. His movements were a blur of agility and strength as he fought, but the cruel inevitability of war lurked in the shadows. In an instant, the world seemed to slow down as a fatal blow struck Rok, a spray of crimson painting the snow as his form crumpled to the ground. A fatal wound staining the snow beneath him. Onyx's scream pierced the air, a raw, primal sound of anguish that echoed through the battlefield.


In that moment of unbearable agony, Onyx jolted awake, gasping for breath. The cold sweat clung to her skin, and her heart pounded in her chest. The echoes of the battlefield lingered in her mind, the haunting images refusing to fade. Her trembling hands sought to find the warmth of Rok's presence.

"R-Rok" she called out, her heart aching as though it would be the last time.

"I'm here, I'm here" Rok reassured as he rushed to her side grasping her hand his eyes searching for hers.

With a deep breath, Onyx focused on the warmth of Rok's hand in hers, grounding herself in the present. The remnants of the nightmare clung to the edges of her consciousness, leaving her shaken but resolute. She turned to Rok, her golden eyes searching his face for reassurance.

"Bad dream?" he asked, his voice gentle, a reflection of genuine concern.

Onyx nodded, her gaze drifting to the wintry landscape beyond the window. "It felt so real, Rok. The battle, the blood... I thought I lost you."

Rok tightened his grip on her hand, as if to affirm his presence. "You won't lose me, Onyx. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

"But you don't understand, Father says war is here, any moment I can lose you" Her voice wavered. "Any moment war can take you away from me"

Rok's earthy eyes penetrating deep in her soul, "When wars comes I will never leave your side" he began as he raised her chin ever so softly with his hand. "I promise" 

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