Chapter Six

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Onyx stormed past Rok into the hall that concealed her father's antler throne, her boots echoing with each step on the creaking wooden floor. The hall was dimly lit by firelight, accompanied by the towering figure of Dezenym, his silver mane hanging loosely over his shoulders. His golden eyes meeting her with the same tension that had been building within her, like a brewing storm about to unleash its full fury.

"Father," Onyx's voice sliced through the still air, carrying a sharp tone that demanded attention.

Dezenym's golden eyes locked onto his daughter's, acknowledging her presence. "Onyx," he responded in a deep, resonant rumble. "What brings you here with such urgency?"

With determined steps, Onyx advanced, her fiery gaze fixated on him. "Why have you hidden yourself away from the war?" she demanded, frustration lacing her words. "You, possessing powers equal to mine, yet you've chosen to cower in the safety of these woods. Why?"

Dezenym's expression remained calm, though his eyes mirrored the intensity in hers. "Cowering is not my intention, Onyx. I have seen enough of war to know the toll, the devastation they leave in their wake."

"But we have the power to end it, father. Together we could end this war, avenge mother!" Onyx's voice cut through the air, fueled by a mixture of curiosity and eagerness for revenge.

A sudden roar shook the hall as Dezenym rose from his antler throne, his imposing figure casting a long shadow. "NO!" he bellowed, anger rippling through him. "You will not use your power for revenge, EVER!" His words reverberated, the weight of his disapproval palpable.

Onyx, undeterred, pressed on. "You have no right to deny me the chance to avenge her! You, who have hidden away, have left the world to crumble when you are capable of ending it!"

Her father's stern expression softened, revealing a mixture of sadness and concern. "Onyx, vengeance is a path that leads to darkness. It corrupts even the purest of hearts. I have witnessed the consequences of such choices, and I won't let you tread that treacherous path."

Onyx's eyes flashed with defiance. "I won't be held back by fear.. I refuse to hide like a sheep."

Dezenym's gaze bore into hers, "Onyx, you don't want to do this." his voice stern, yet still, it was as though it was his last and final plea for her to listen.

"No, father, I do."


Rok stood by the doorway of the hall, his brown gaze searching for the kind girl he had known before. No, this was an imposter that stood before her father, speaking of revenge and war. The familiar warmth he had once felt around Onyx seemed replaced by an unsettling coldness and consumed by a thirst for vengeance.

He watched closely as Onyx turned away from her father. Her gaze locking onto him. The golden fire in her eyes intense, burning with the fury of three suns. Surrounded by a chilling resolve that sent shivers down his spine.

As she walked out of the hall, she passed him without a word, the air seemed to carry the weight of a future unknown, leaving him standing there, torn between the Onyx he knew and the one she seemed determined to become. 

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