Chapter Seventeen

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"Who is Onyx?" Sith's voice rang through Demeter's mind. His voice sounded detached, confused, and clueless as his black eyes gazed into her own, perhaps searching for answers within the depths of her consciousness. The corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a semblance of frustration as if grappling with an elusive memory just beyond his reach. Demeter studied him, taken aback she hesitated before responding. For his confusion seemed genuine, and she wondered if was or a carefully crafted deception.

"Onyx," Demeter began cautiously, choosing her words with deliberate care, "Is a runaway gladiator that you have been hunting down, and since you are here-" Demeter paused motioning to the frozen surroundings, "-I suppose you tracked her here"

Sith's brows furrowed as if struggling to piece together fragmented memories. A flicker of frustration flashed across his face before he masked it with a composed facade. Demeter observed his reaction, contemplating whether he truly had lost his memories or if he was an expert manipulator playing a deeper game.

"Runaway gladiator..." Sith repeated, his tone musing. "Why would I be hunting a gladiator?" he questioned, the confusion evident in his voice.

Demeter scrutinized him carefully. "You were commissioned to capture her. You must find her," she replied, her tone measured.

Sith's expression remained blank, his eyes narrowed slightly "Onyx..." he mumbled, the name echoing through the chambers of his mind like a distant memory trying to resurface. "I must find her. Why?" he questioned, frustration lacing his voice.

As he spoke, Demeter sensed a shift in the air, a subtle disturbance in the fabric of reality. She knew this trick, and the magician it belonged to, Demeter's gaze hardened, "What all do you remember Sith?" her voice was sharp, her eyes narrowing as she probed for any signs of deception.

"I remember... eyes, burning eyes," he replied cryptically.

Demeter remained wary, recognizing the calculated ambiguity in Sith's response. "Is that all?" she pressed further, her tone unforgiving.

Sith's eyes bore into hers, the black depths seemingly searching for answers. "That's all."

Demeter nodded, seemingly satisfied, but her guard remained up. She felt the presence of her Orcish guards behind her waiting for a command. So with a swift motion of her hand, she signaled them to approach, two of them coming and each grabbing hold of one of Sith's arms.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sith demanded, his eyes widening with fear flickering in his gaze.

Demeter approached, her gaze unwavering. "You're useless to me now, so it has come to this."

Before Sith could respond, Demeter seized the opportunity, reaching into the concealed sleeve of her cloak, revealing a gleaming dagger. In one single fluid motion, she plunged it into Sith's heart, a swift and decisive strike. She watched with satisfaction as the once-confused expression on Sith's face twisted into one of shock and pain.

As he crumpled to the frozen ground, Demeter stood over him, her face a mask of cold determination as Sith grasped for his final breaths. "Your games end here, Sith. And so does your life." She said as her gaze fell on the growing pool of crimson blood as it spread on the ice.  

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