Chapter Thirteen

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Sith stumbled over the icy land as he blindly made his way towards the only place he knew he could. Thimriur. His black stare was blank as his numb feet shuffled along, the souls of his boots dragged along the snow creating faint streaks in the icy powder. His mind was a black canvas, emptier then the frozen landscape the surrounded him endlessly. With only the hushed whispers of Dezenym's demands reverting through his mind, driving him forward void of emotions or questions. Almost as though her were in a state of paralysis, walking meaninglessly towards unknown location.

Perhaps he wasn't even there anymore. Maybe that blank stare was all that was left of him. This empty gaze seemed to mirror the void within, a mere shell moving through the frigid emptiness, detached from any purpose or emotion.


The landscape had shifted from the relentless assault of a cold rain to the unforgiving embrace of winter's snow. Demeter flew above her army, leading the way towards the northern territories. They were the only places that had been untouched by her command. For there were no major cities there to rule, the perfect place for a fugitive. And where she was sure Sith had tracked Onyx down.

As much as she needed Onyx, she needed her throne more. Her command over the Orcs had solidified her rule, and the idea of losing it was an unbearable thought. The Orcs followed her every command out of stupidity not bravery. Still with her ravenous Orcish armies she could crumble any kingdom, bring any king to their knees and with Onyx's power, she could expand her influence. Waking the dragons.

But for the moment, she had to eliminate Sith. He posed a threat, one she had not anticipated. So in the snow-covered landscape below, Demeter's violet eyes methodically scanned the horizon, hunting for any trace of life.

The air was thick with the scent of pine and the biting chill of winter. Demeter's dragon wings sliced through the air as she glided above the frozen ground, her eyes narrowing as she attempted to discern any movement below. The silent expanse seemed to stretch endlessly, a pristine canvas scattered with pines.

Her Dragon senses honed, and Demeter caught a distant flicker of movement against the white backdrop. She descended gracefully, landing on the snow-covered ground. Her Ivory hair cascaded down her shoulders, her violet eyes, remaining fixed on the approaching figure.


There he emerged from the shadows like a wounded animal.

"Easy enough for me" Demeter thought as her lips curled into a wicked smile.

This was the moment she had been waiting for–the confrontation with the thorn in her side. The winter wind carried the whispers of an impending clash as Demeter prepared to deal with the Orcish Commander whom dared challenge her rule.


Sith's distant gaze fell upon a winged creature, one with velvet eyes that seemed to penetrate the very depths of his soul. Suddenly, as though he had taken a long-awaited breath of fresh air, life infused his vacant eyes. A surge of color returned to his cheeks, casting a pale red. Recognition filled his eyes as his gaze met with Demeter's. A look that soon turned into horror as he scanned his surroundings, a vacated abyss of snow.

His memory betraying him as he struggled to make since of how and why he was here standing before the Queen, lost in a frozen land. His turned his head back only to see faint streaks in the snow, his gaze following them until they were no longer visible. He could only remember chasing after something, someone. Did he get lost? How? Where was he? His thoughts race, that was until they were broken by the harsh, demanding tone of Demeter's voice.

"Sith, have you found Onyx?"

His gaze slowly feel back to Demeter, confusion gripping at him like a sore, "Who is Onyx?" he questioned.  

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