Chapter Eighteen

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Oldren's gaze fell upon the burnt remains of the great hall. Wisps of smoke rose from the coals, lingering in the air like mournful spirits reluctant to leave the site of devastation. The once-strong structure, now reduced to charred timbers and ashes. With the bitter scent of burnt wood lingering in the air.

The dwarf's hard eyes narrowed as he spotted an Ale tankard, now charred and blackened, among the ruins. He stooped down to pick it up, his stubby fingers tracing the engraved patterns.

"Damn that bastard," Oldren muttered under his breath, his voice a low growl, "Can't even leave a Dwarf some Ale"

In the distance, Jade dug through the remains, salvaging what could be saved from the fire. As Oldren glanced over at the young elven boy, he watched in disbelief as Jade put a gold medallion around his neck. The dwarf's brow furrowed, and he stomped over to Jade, his steps echoing through the desolate remnants of the great hall.

The dwarf's eyes narrowed further, "What in the blazes are you thinking, boy? That aren't yours." he grumbled, eyeing the medallion with suspicion.

Jade looked up, his Emerald eyes wide with defiance. "I thought it might be valuable. Didn't see anyone else claiming it."

Oldren snorted. "Valuable or not, you don't just grab things that don't belong to you. Especially not in the aftermath of a fire." He grabbed the medallion, examining it closely. "This ain't just some trinket. This belongs to someone here. You need to show some respect, thief"

Jade crossed his arms, a defiant spark in his eyes. "Well, whoever it belongs to probably won't be needing it anymore."

Oldren shook his head in disapproval. "That's not the point, lad. We have to salvage what we can for those who survived. Looting from the ruins ain't the way we do things."

Jade sighed, relenting a bit. "Fine, take your precious medallion. It's not like I care about some useless piece of metal anyway."

Oldren grunted, placing the medallion in his pocket. "It's not about the metal, boy. It's about respect and honor. Now, come along, we need to get back to Onyx and Rok before night settles"


Onyx shook her head, trying to clear the fog that clouded her mind. The memories of the conversation with her father slipped away like sand through her fingers. Confusion etched her features as her eyes found her father's golden gaze boring into her own.

She sensed a lingering weight in the air, an unspoken tension that hung between them. Dezenym's eyes held a mix of sorrow and resolve, his hand still outstretched from where he had held her hand only moments before.

"Onyx," he spoke, his voice carrying a heavy weight, as though concealing something grave from her.

A shiver ran down Onyx's spine, a sense of foreboding settling in the pit of her stomach. She tried to grasp the fragments of the erased conversation, but they slipped away like elusive shadows.

"What happened?" Onyx questioned, her eyes searching her father's face for answers.

Dezenym hesitated, his gaze flickering between her and behind her, at the open doorway that lead outside. "You just need some rest" he deflected, his tone firm.

Before Onyx could open her mouth to press further for answers, she heard footfalls as they entered, breaking the tension. Rok emerged, his expressions a mix of concern and relief. Rok's earthy eyes softened as they met Onyx's, and he quickly closed the distance between them.

"Are you alright?" Rok asked, his hand gently brushing against Onyx's arm.

Onyx nodded, however her gaze remained fixed on her father, a lingering doubt tugging at the edges of her consciousness.

"I need to deal with the matters at hand" Dezenym said as he began to walk towards the doorway, yet before he could make a full step, Onyx's voice cut through the air, stopping him in his tracks. "Father, wait." Her tone urgent and demanding.

Dezenym turned to face her, his expression guarded. "What is it, Onyx?"

"You didn't answer my question.. What happened? Why does it feel like something important was taken away from me?" Onyx's eyes bore into her father's, seeking the truth she could sense he was withholding.

Before Dezenym could respond, Rok stepped forward between Onyx and Dezenym shielding her. "What did you do to her?" he demanded.

Onyx's gaze shifted between the two men, sensing the unspoken tension that crackled in the air. She felt a knot tighten in her chest as her father's eyes flickered with a hint of guilt. The room seemed to close in on her.

"Tell me the truth, Father. What are you hiding?" she demanded, as she stepped out from behind Rok's protective shield.

Dezenym's gaze flickered with a mix of emotions, caught between the desire to protect his daughter and the weight of his own choices. He sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping. "I did what I had to, Onyx. For your own safety."

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