Chapter Three

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Onyx was shaken awaken in hast, her golden eyes snapped open, only to find a new piercing blue gaze, staring her back. Above her, stood a man, his silver hair cascading like a waterfall of moonlight around his broad shoulders. His face was unfamiliar, a mere stranger's. Yet his blue eyes were soft and held a kind hue, one that seemingly meant her no harm.

He wore a black cloak, with the shiny hilt of a sword visible beneath it. In his hands was her own sword Rivana, held out carefully with care as thought the blade was more than just cold steel.

As she took Rivana from his grip the man spoke.

"Your father has ordered me to take you to safety" he said with a calm voice as he gently grasped at her hand and pulled her up off the cot she slept on.

As he led her out the world around her suddenly transformed into an unforgiving and cold place as she began to make sense of her surroundings.

The wolves surrounding them were forming into a pack, their eyes reflecting an eerie stillness. Onyx then noticed her father, Dezenym, standing on foot, stripped of his usual attire and shielded in a thick layer of steel armor. However the wolves stood devoid of any protective gear, with only the fur on their backs to shield them from attacks.

A sense of urgency gripped Onyx as the realization dawned on her. They were preparing for an attack, but from who? Demeter? Would she really leave the safety of her kingdom to seek a fight?

Fear crept into her heart as her golden gaze hastily glanced around, her eyes searching for Rok, Oldrin, and Jade. Panic set in as she realized they were not there. At least not there by her.

"They are going to fight without me? They are going to get killed out there"

Onyx swung around, and ripped her arm away from his grip, her eyes landing harshly on the man leading her. Her gaze boring into his.

"Who are you and where are they? Where is Rok and the others?" Onyx demanded.

Dezenym stepped forward, his silver hair catching the moonlight as well. His own eyes searching Onyx, with a look of guilt in his fiery irises.

"I will keep them safe, I promise. As for you, you need to follow Eclipsar to safety" he explained with an air of calmness, as though trying to reassure Onyx.

"No, I can't leave without them."

Her father approached her slowly, and placed a hand on her shoulder. The urgency in her father's gaze deepening.

"Onyx, you must go. There's no time. I need to keep you safe."

Despite her father's plea, Onyx couldn't suppress the fierce determination burning within her. With a defiant glare, she squared her shoulders, her grip tightening around Rivana's hilt.

"I need to keep them safe" Onyx challenged as she shook her head, "I need to fight alongside them, and I can win"

"Just let me-"

But before she could take another step forward, Dezenym's expression hardened, his eyes flashing with bright golden glow as his grip on her shoulder tightened.

"Sleep" he whispered into her ear.

Despite her struggle, the magik was stronger, and she could feel as the magik took its toll. Weakening her, and plunging her into deep unconsciousness.

"No..." she whispered, her voice fading as darkness closed in around her.


Onyx awoke to the sound of dripping water echoing in a stillness. The air itself seemed caught, as though trapped. Even her own breath seemed to reverberate, and any small noise became visible.

"Hello?" Onyx called out, only to hear her own echo in reply.  

The Chronicles of Onyx: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now