Chapter Two

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"We should go" Jade pleaded with a sense of urgency in his voice. His elven features were etched with worry, his wide Green eyes darting between Onyx's calculating gaze and the enraged Orcs. The sight sent shivers down his spine. Her anger, her determination, her control over such power—everything about her was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

"Onyx, we should go." Jade repeated with a weary tone, his fear was palpable as he instinctively took a step back.

Yet it seemed she had Ignored Jade's plea, for Onyx kept her steady gaze fixed on the Orcs. Her grip on Rivana was firm, as was her stance. With only two whispered words to brake her empty silence, "Not yet"


The Orcs, despite their initial shock, slowly began to regain their composure. Their anger fueled by Onyx's taunting gaze. One of them, the larger and more imposing of the two, stepped forward, his beady eyes locked onto Onyx's fiery glare.

"Enough of this," he growled, spit flying from his tusked mouth. "You may have your tricks, but we'll find a way to reach you. You won't hide forever."

Onyx's lips curled into a defiant smirk. "I'd like to see you try."

The Orc roared with fury and charged towards the chasm. The ground beneath him cracked and crumbled with every step. Each footfall becoming more unsteady then the last, each one becoming a struggle to find the next.

Then with all his might he leaped, his boots leaving the ground just as it gave away, the chunks of snow fell endlessly to the bottom of the crevasse. For only a moment he flew, with his body propelled in the air, nothing holding him down. For a moment he experienced what it was like to fly, the one true freedom, only to find himself landing harshly on the hard, compacted snow.

Satisfaction filled his black eyes as he managed to jump the crevasse, for a moment it looked as though we had all the power in the world, kneeled at his feet. With a spiteful grin he charge towards Onyx, his sword held high, seemingly forgetting to bring her to Demeter alive. He lunge with only one intention in mind, to kill her.

Yet there Onyx stood, planted, unmoved. Her eyes, however, held a lively gleam. As though the small fight was enough to feed her internal fire.

With a quick, swift move she rose her sword, the flames that had danced upon the blade moments ago had now vanished, revealing the glistening steel beneath. An expertly crafted weapon with a blade sharp as a dragon's tooth.

The Orc approached quickly, with all his might he swung his sword, aiming for Onyx's head. But her stance was unyielding as she effortlessly deflected the blow with her blade, the impact ringing through the forest. The Orc, momentarily off balance, was left vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, Onyx lunged. With a fluid, practiced movement, she swung her sword low, slicing through the Orc's legs with a surgeon's precision. He let out a guttural cry of agony as he crumpled to the ground, his sword falling from his grasp as he grasped for the back of his leg. His blood staining the ice and his hands crimson as the wound bleed out.

The forest fell silent once more, except for the Orc's pained moans. Onyx stood above him with her sword tight in her grasp, her gaze steady and unforgiving she spoke. Her voice cold and unyielding.

"You should have listened," she said, her words carrying a weight of authority. "Now, tell me what your queen is plaining. And maybe you won't die by the likes of my blade."

The Orc's tusked mouth frothing with blood and saliva. His eyes were mere, black beads, of anger as glared at Onyx with defiance. "I'll never tell you anything, mortal," he spat, his voice filled with venom.

"Who said I was a mortal, Orc?" Onyx implied, her eyes small burning irises of molten gold. "Perhaps your queen has some explaining to do to you, but regardless, I seems you won't be there to hear it... unless you tell me what I want to know" she warned, threating the Orc effortlessly.

His coal-black eyes flickered with fear as he weighed his options. As though the realization that he might not survive this encounter was sinking in.

With his chest heaving, the Orc finally relented, his tusked mouth still dripping with blood and saliva. "The Queen hunts you out, she has scouts all over Druzatria" he grumbled, his voice low and resentful. "If it is me or them, you will get caught.. you and the cowered, Rok" he spat out, his anger retuning to him as she spoke Rok's name.

Onyx's eyes blazed with anger as she listened to the Orc's words. In one fluid motion, she reached out, demanding, "Jade, give me your bow and an arrow."

Jade, startled by the request, quickly handed over his bow and an arrow without hesitation. Onyx, her grip firm on the weapon, drew the bowstring with a resolute look in her eyes. With sudden realization Jade called out, "Onyx, don't!" but it was too late, for in a heartbeat, she released the arrow, and it soared through the air with deadly accuracy.

The Orc's defiant expression turned to one of shock as the arrow struck him square in the chest, just above his heart. His breath caught, and for a moment, his eyes locked onto Onyx's. His black eyes fogging over as he collapsed to the ground, his breaths growing shallow, and then he was still.

Onyx lowered the bow, her face a mask of determination and resolve.

"Why did you do that? You said you wouldn't kill him!" Jade exclaimed with disbelief heavily lacing his voice.

"No Jade, it wasn't my weapon that killed him," she replied coldly as she looked up the crevasse, only to see that the other Orc had retreated.

Jade glanced up, following the direction of her gaze to see the disappeared Orcish solder, "Oh great! Now he's on the loose and warning his fellow Orc!" Jade further exclaimed, "Well he's probably running around saying 'I found Onyx only a league or two by the wolf home, ya hoo!'"

"Jade could you quiet up? Let him warn her, I am eager to face her," Onyx said with fiery determination.

Jade shook his head, bewildered by the change he had witnessed in his friend. "I don't even know who you are anymore," he protested, his voice tinged with concern.

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