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All of the siblings were running down the hospital hallway, desperate to find the room that Sunwoo was in. They were filled with worry and fear, and they didn't know what to expect. They were desperate to find out what was happening with their brother and make sure that he would be okay. The waiting was unbearable, and it was making them feel anxious and scared.

They arrive at the room and Younghoon quickly open the door and called his name.


Sunwoo is sitting in his hospital bed, with an officer standing next to him. When he sees his siblings, he starts crying and raises his arms up for a hug. He was happy to see them and wanted to be comforted by them.


Younghoon run to him and hug him tightly.

"It's okay. You're okay" said Younghoon.

Sunwoo just kept crying in the hug, too emotional to say anything. He was glad to see his siblings again, and he didn't say anything as he was overwhelmed by the emotions.

He wanted to be comforted by them, and he needed to be together with the people that he trusted the most. He was relieved to finally see them, and he was happy to be reunited with them once again after the horrible experience.

It had been a very painful and frightening situation, and he just wanted comfort from his family.


Sunwoo looks at Eric, and he looks different and pale. Sunwoo knows that Eric has been worried sick about him. He holds out his hand to Eric, wanting to be comforted by him as well. Eric, feeling overwhelmed at seeing Sunwoo safe, takes his hand and hugs him firmly.

He's happy to see his twin brother safe and unharmed, and he wants to be there to comfort him as well. They're back together after the scary experience, and they don't want to let go.

"Welcome back" said Eric.

"I'm back" said Sunwoo.

Hyunjae, Juyeon and Changmin join the hug. It been a long time for them and they together again.

Eric is smiling and relief now. As he feel relief, he feel more and more sleepy. Slowly, he fell into Sunwoo embrace.


Sunwoo can hear his breathing. He fell asleep.

"He finally get a sleep" said Changmin while caressing Eric.

Sunwoo rubbed his thumb on Eric's eye, and he can see a dark circle under it. Sunwoo knows that Eric hasn't had a very good sleep, and he can tell that Eric has also been worried about him. He's touched by his twin's actions, and he appreciates the thoughtful gesture.

Juyeon lift Eric.

"I'll take him to the nurse and get him some IV" said Juyeon.

"I'll go with you" said Hyunjae.

Before they went out, Hyunjae ruffles Sunwoo's hair.

Younghoon sit on the bed beside Sunwoo. His hand caressing Sunwoo's hand.

"How it happened? How does the police find you?" asked Younghoon.

Before he about to answered, he remember the promise.

"... The man that with Kim Yura called the police" said Sunwoo.

"The man that kidnapped you? Why?" asked Changmin.

"He also the victim to her" said Sunwoo.


Save MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora