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Hyunjae was frozen in place, his eyes glued to the screen before him, unable to look away. His entire body felt like it was turned to stone, immobilized by the sheer intensity of the scene he was watching.

His vision seemed to blur slightly, and his eyes began to ache, but he couldn't tear himself away, his gazed fixed on the unfolding horror playing out on the monitor.

Time seemed to lose all meaning as Hyunjae remained fixed in place, transfixed by the video footage before him. The line between minutes and hours blurred, his sense of time slipping away the in the relentless passing of each second.

His gaze never wavered, his body remaining in its tense and stiff state, as if frozen in a moment of abject horror.

Three other men sat nearby, their attention focused on a card game they were playing, seemingly unperturbed by the intensity of Hyunjae's stare. They paid him no mind, his fixated gaze on the monitor going completely ignored by the trio as they continued their game, their minds preoccupied with other matters.

Then, one of them start to growling.

"How long are we supposed to wait? Can't we do something with this boy?" asked him.

"Don't try to do anything. We been instructed to just keep him lock until we release him. No more" said the other man.

"Tck! Boring!"

"Hey, boss. What exactly does that lady want with these two people? That one is the boy's friend, but this one? Nothing to do with it" said another man.

"I do not know either. All I know is that she wants a boy named Haknyeon, feels miserable" said the boss.

"Any snipped you hear?" asked the man.

"She said the boy was an illegitimate child who needed to realize where he came from" said the boss.

"Ooo... Why don't we just kidnap that boy? We can just kill him if she feel like he's a nuisance" said the man.

"She can't. Because that boy had a great connection with her mother. Bad happened to him, she will do anything to search who" said the boss.

The man just whistle.

"Even we get to kidnap him, it won't be easy. He has a someone in his shadow" said the boss.

"So, we just using this two?" asked another man.

"Yeah. We can't really do anything to him but that another boy, she said we can do anything to him because he's close to that boy" said the boss.

The man glanced towards Hyunjae, nothing his unmoving form and unwavering gaze, seemingly lost in his own world while fixated on the monitor before him.

There was no indication that he had heard their conversation, his mind still consumed by the horrific images playing out on the screen.

Haknyeon sat alone in the room, the silence heavy and oppressive around him. It had been almost a day since Hyunjae was taken, and over a day since Jaehyun had vanished.

Having just ended his call with Changbin, Haknyeon couldn't help but hear the anguished sobs of Wooyoung in the background, the sound of his crying echoing through the phone line.

Despite the distance separating them, the raw emotion in Wooyoung's voice was palpable, leaving Haknyeon feeling a deep sense of sympathy and worry. The news of Jaehyun's disappearance had clearly taken a profound toll on his friends.

Haknyeon couldn't deny the weight of worry that had settled upon his shoulders for both Jaehyun and Hyunjae. The thought of their safety and well-being consumed his thoughts, as he had come to hold them both in high regard and valued them deeply.

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