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When a female student was walking, she suddenly tripped over her feet and fell. The book that she was holding got knocked up and slid away from her. Because of the fall, her knee was injured and started bleeding. Despite the pain, the student held back and tried to hide her cries.

Just then, someone kneel beside her.

"Are you okay?" asked the male student.

After seeing the blood, he wiped it away with his handkerchief, which shocked the girl. She wasn't expecting him to use his own handkerchief to wipe the blood. Then, he takes out a plaster and puts it on the injury to help it heal.

He also makes sure to keep the entire area around the injury as clean as possible, to prevent further infection or inflammation. This shows that he's a very responsible person, who's willing to go out of his way to help others.

"There. It should be fine now. Be careful next time"

"Yes. Thank you" said the female student.

"Yah, Sunwoo! Hurry up!" called his friend.


The male student, Sunwoo, is running to his friends, and they walk together to the gym together. The female student sees them and becomes interested in Sunwoo after that. From that moment, she becomes interested in him and begins to pay more attention to him. She may even have developed a crush on him from that moment on.

From that day forward, she keeps on watching Sunwoo wherever he goes. She also manages to find out where he lives, and is curious about his friends, siblings, and his interests. She wants to know everything about his personality, and is even willing to learn about his dietary preferences and what he likes to eat.

She's doing a lot of research and gathering information about Sunwoo, which indicates that she has a strong interest in him.

She's now reached a point of obsession with Sunwoo, and has become a stalker of him. She's constantly following and watching his movements, and is learning all she can about him. She's also learning more about his daily schedule and his whereabouts, which can be considered as stalking. She's becoming increasingly obsessed and fixated with Sunwoo, to an unhealthy and creepy degree.

Sunwoo is aware of her frequent appearance, and it's becoming concerning. She keeps on following him everywhere, and it's starting to make him feel uncomfortable and disturbed. He's becoming worried about how obsessed she seems to be with him, and he's not sure what to do about it.

Sunwoo still wasn't telling anyone about her stalking. He thought that she might stop after some time. However, one day, on Valentine's Day, his life changed. It was a day when he was expecting to have a regular school day, and instead, his life took an unexpected turn.

"Sunwoo ya, Happy Valentine's Day. This is for you"

Sunwoo was surprised by the chocolate gift that his stalker gave him on Valentine's Day. He wanted to refuse the gift, but he also knew that it could be dangerous to do so. He was worried about what actions his stalker might resort to if he refused the gift, and he didn't want to cause her any anger or irritation. So, he ended up just accepting the gift, even though he really didn't want to.

The stalker girl was pleased and happy when Sunwoo accepted the chocolate that she gave him. However, when he threw the chocolate away after accepting it, it made her feel sad and disappointed. She couldn't believe that he would throw away her gift, and she was hurt by his actions.

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