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Kevin was called by Chanhee regarding Haknyeon and he raced over to the rehab room due to the urgent nature of the situation. He did not know exactly what had happened with Haknyeon, but he was very scared and concerned at the thought that something bad might have happened towards him and that he may have been in pain or had been struggling due to the recent surgery.

Haknyeon's surgery had past a few weeks now and he suppose to be alright but he might get a side effect and that worrying him more.

"Chanhee! What happened? Is something wrong with Haknyeon?" asked Kevin as soon he opened the door.

Chanhee turn to him with a big smile.

"No. Nothing happened to him" said Chanhee.

"Then, why are you calling me here?" asked Kevin.

Chanhee did not answer any of Kevin's questions as he only show him what was ahead of him. When Kevin finally looked, he was quite surprised by what he saw, as Haknyeon was actually standing and walking, with support from the nurse by his side, but was still able to stand and walk.

"Haknyeon. He's standing" said Kevin.

"It's a miracle" said Chanhee.

Haknyeon saw Kevin.

"Hyung, look at me" said Haknyeon.

"You really are standing. I can't believe it. I thought that you can't stand at all. That what I diagnose you" said Kevin.

"Seems like God don't want me to stay in the wheelchair" joke Haknyeon.

"Stop making the joke, Haknyeon" said Kevin.

Kevin was filled with an immense sense of joy that he was practically able to feel like crying, as he was proven wrong in his diagnosis of Haknyeon.

He had truly thought that he would never be able to walk again, but to see him standing at that very moment truly surprised and moved Kevin to nearly tears due to the unexpected and miraculous recovery by Haknyeon.

"I'm really relief" said Kevin.

"I should tell Sangyeon and the others" said Chanhee.

"Wait, hyung. Can you keep it from Hyunjae hyung and the others?" asked Haknyeon.

"Why? They must be really happy to hear this" said Chanhee.

"I know but please, don't tell anyone. Just us siblings" said Haknyeon.

"You must have a reason why you want to keep it from everyone but whatever the reason is, we'll keep it" said Kevin.

Chanhee sigh because he can't tell the good news to their neighbour but he nodded agree.

"Thank you"

Seungkwan are at the café, waiting for someone while having his coffee.

Someone walk into the café straight to meet Seungkwan.



Seungcheol sit in front of Seungkwan.

Seungkwan noticed the plaster on his forehead.

"Did she do something to you?" asked Seungkwan.

"She only let out her anger after finding out Wonwoo was going to take over the department" said Seungcheol.

"I'm sorry you need to go through that" said Seungkwan.

"It's fine. I'm sure you want to know how Sungha know Haknyeon was in the hospital" guess Seungcheol.

Seungkwan nodded.

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