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            "Sunwoo. It's time for your medication" said Eric when he walks into Sunwoo's room.

"Thanks" said Sunwoo.

Due to the stress and anxiety caused by the stalker, Sunwoo needs to take anti-depressants regularly. The medication helps him manage his depression, and it keeps him healthy and stable emotionally. The medication is necessary for his well-being, and this is all because of the stalker who caused him so much pain and suffering.

Eric sits on the bed with a glass of water and two pills on his hand. He hand it to Sunwoo. Sunwoo takes the pills and eat it.

"This smell..."

"I light the candle that Haknyeon hyung give it to me. What do you think?" asked Sunwoo.

"It smell nice and calming" said Eric.

"I know, right? Why didn't I think about this at all? I don't need to take medicine all the time" said Sunwoo.

"It for your own good, Sunwoo. Don't try to avoid it" said Eric.

"Fine. Fine. You sound like a big brother" said Sunwoo.

"I really hope I am because you are so naughty" said Eric.

"Auch. That feeling hurt" said Sunwoo.

Eric laugh but just for a moment. He suddenly thinking about Haknyeon.

"Do you think Haknyeon hyung will awake?" asked Eric.

"I'm sure he will. Kevin hyung said he's safe, right?"

"But... I kinda have a bad feeling about this. What if he not really safe yet?" asked Eric.

"Hey. Don't say that" said Sunwoo.

"I know. I'm sorry" said Eric.

"Let's hope Haknyeon hyung will wake up soon" said Sunwoo.

Eric nodded.

Changbin, Wooyoung, and Jaehyun all come to visit Haknyeon while he's in the hospital. They're all saddened to see their friend still in a coma and to see how bad he looks when they arrive. They're probably worried about him and hoping that he'll wake up soon so they can have a proper conversation with him again.

"Thank you for coming to visit" said Jacob.

"How are you doing, hyung?" asked Wooyoung.

"Tired but I'll hang in there" said Jacob.

"I was really shock to hear the accident. I heard the whole story. That Sunwoo's stalker is the one doing it to him, right?" asked Jaehyun.

"Yes. That what Sangyeon said when he came back from the police station with Hyunjae" said Chanhee.

"If I find her, I never forgive her after what she have done to Haknyeon. Haknyeon didn't do anything wrong to her" said Jaehyun.

"She also need to stop stalking on Sunwoo. I can't believe he's having depression because of her" said Changbin.

"For someone who been stalking him is a bad person and I don't like it" said Wooyoung.

Jacob is happy to notice that Haknyeon has a friend like Changbin, Wooyoung and Jaehyun who genuinely cares about him, even if they know about his background. Despite knowing his background, they don't judge him or treat him differently, and they focus on seeing Haknyeon as a friend and an equal.

Jacob felt furious and angry when he found out that Haknyeon has been bullied in school, but he also felt sad for Haknyeon. Not only did the bullies look down on Haknyeon, but even his school teacher did too. Jacob got into a fight with the school teacher because he didn't try to help Haknyeon in stopping the gossip, but it also got worse when the teacher got involved in it. This situation is only making things worse for Haknyeon.

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