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Sunwoo and Eric walked out from Sangyeon's car to see Hyunjae and Changmin outside the front door. The two of them looked shocked at how shook up and pale Sunwoo was, having seen him just after the incident with the strange man. They greeted him in a state of disbelief, wondering what had happened. Eric was there as well, his expression also filled with concern as he tried to understand what had taken place. They could all feel the tension in the air right now, everyone's mind racing with confusion and worry in that moment.

"Sunwoo. Eric. What happened?" asked Changmin while he cares Sunwoo's pale face.

"We encounter something scary. Fortunately, Sangyeon hyung came about time to rescue us" said Eric.

"Thank you, Sangyeon" said Hyunjae.

"It's okay. I'm glad I was there. I don't know what exactly happen, but a man tried to take Sunwoo" said Sangyeon.

Hyunjae and Changmin were shocked to hear what had happened. They couldn't believe that someone would try to take Sunwoo, and they wondered what the man's intentions were. They also immediately thought about Kim Yura, realizing that this incident might have something to do with her.

"It must be her!" rage Changmin.

"Who?" asked Eric.

"Hyunjae. I think you need to tell them the truth" said Sangyeon.

"Are you sure?" asked Hyunjae.

"I'm sure. They need to know. Especially Sunwoo" said Sangyeon.

"Alright. I'll tell them" said Hyunjae.

"I need to go now. Something came up at the hospital. I'll give you some update about Haknyeon later" said Sangyeon and get on his car.

After Sangyeon drove off, the siblings all walked back to their home. Younghoon and Juyeon were already waiting at the living room, worried about the situation. As they all sat down on the sofa, Changmin tried to reassure Sunwoo, comforting him and trying to make him feel safe. But Sunwoo was still shivering in fear, and he could not forget the ordeal he had just experienced. It was hard for him to relax and feel at ease.

Hyunjae felt terrible about what had just happened to Sunwoo, and he knew he had been careless and let down his guard. He felt responsible for what could have been a very bad situation. He was concerned about Sunwoo, who was still shaking with fear, and he wished there was some way to make things better. But the truth was, they were all worried and felt powerless to do anything but keep a close eye on Sunwoo and make sure he was protected.

"Hyung, what did you and Sangyeon mean about telling me and Sunwoo the truth? Is there something you didn't tell us?" asked Eric.

Hyunjae take a deep breath.

"The perpetrators who violated Haknyeon are people we know very well. ... It's Kim Yura" said Hyunjae.

At the mention of this name, Sunwoo was shocked and became even more shaken. That name triggered something deep within him, making his fear grow stronger and more overwhelming. He couldn't make sense of what was happening, and he was struggling to control himself and calm down.

The memory that had been dug up had a profound effect on him, and he didn't know what to do. The others noticed his reaction, and they were now also concerned.

"It her? Are you sure?" asked Eric shock.

"I saw the footage CCTV when the accident happens. It really her" said Hyunjae.


Everyone's eyes were on Sunwoo, watching in worry and concern as he began to grip his hair hard and his eyes filled with fear. His expression was one of panic and horror, and he looked like he was about to explode with fear and anxiety.

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