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The morning had arrived, and the camp was noticeably more quiet than the day before. Eric couldn't sleep well the night before because of his concern for his twins, and he was thankful that Wooyoung and Changbin were kind enough to accompany him to his tent. It was comforting to have them there with him, and they could help him stay calm and feel less anxious about the situation with Sunwoo and Haknyeon.

Jaehyun came.

"Hey, how you doing?" asked Jaehyun.

"Worried" said Eric.

"Hey. I'm sure the ranger will find them. Did you not sleep at all?" asked Jaehyun when he see dark circle under his eyes.

Eric shook his head, still unable to sleep as Sunwoo and Haknyeon were still not found and safe. He was worried and anxious for their safety, and he couldn't get over the fact that they were still missing and potentially in danger. He just hoped that they were okay and would be found soon, as he struggled to sleep and tried to stay calm.

"What did the ranger said?" asked Changbin.

"He said to prepare and get ready to go out from the forest" said Jaehyun.

"What about them?" asked Eric, more worried.

"We just have to leave to the ranger to search them. We can't do anything" said Jaehyun.

Eric look down.

"What am I gonna tell to my brother and Haknyeon brother?" asked Eric.

Wooyoung caresses Eric.

"I'll help you talk with them when we get out" said Wooyoung.

"I'll talk to Haknyeon brother myself. For now, you go the the river and wash your face. Refresh your face" said Jaehyun.

Eric nodded.

Wooyoung and Changbin left the tent first to grab their things, while Eric walked towards the river. Eric took a few moments to wash his face, and while he did that, he watched his reflection in the water. He could see his own face staring back at him, and it was as if his reflection was reflecting his feelings of stress, anxiety, and worry. He knew he needed to stay focused and calm, and he wanted to believe his friends would be found soon. He was praying for their safety and well-being, and he was determined to find them.

Eric looked up from the water and over to the riverbank across the river. He saw something. Something or someone was washed up on the riverbank. His heart skipped a beat and he began moving faster, with the hopes that it was Sunwoo. As he got closer, he could confirm that it was indeed Sunwoo, and he immediately rushed over to him.


They carefully laid Sunwoo on the floor of the tent, covering him with a towel to help keep him warm and dry. His body was cold and wet from the river water, and they needed to help him recover and warm up. They made sure that he was comfortable and safe, and they were relieved that they had found him.

The ranger and his companion had already received word about the group finding Sunwoo, and now they just needed to find Haknyeon. All they could do was continue to follow the trail and hope that they would find Haknyeon safe and sound. They were all very concerned for him and his well-being, as he was the only one left who had not been found.

"What really happen to him? How did he end up in the river?" asked Wooyoung.

"Were they been chase by the bear?" asked Changbin.



Sunwoo slowly opens his eyes and feels weak from almost drowning in the river. His clothes are still wet from the river water, and he is trying to regain his strength after the ordeal.

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