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Sunwoo is shocked to hear the whole story of Haknyeon's life. He probably didn't expect to hear such a heartbreaking and tragic story, and he is left feeling stunned and surprised by everything that has happened to Haknyeon. Sunwoo is probably feeling a lot of empathy for Haknyeon, and wants to comfort and support him through this tough time.

But there was one thing that Sunwoo noticed. Haknyeon never cries when faced with the loss of his parents. This might be surprising to Sunwoo, as he probably expects Haknyeon to show a lot of emotion and to cry in these moments of grief. But Haknyeon does not do this, and instead, seems to deal with his grief in his own way, without showing too much emotion or letting his grief affect him on the surface.

Haknyeon tells Sunwoo his story with a sad and solemn look on his face, but he does not cry. He just tells his story with a serious and focused demeanor. As he tells his story, he may be struggling to keep his emotions inside and to keep his composure.


"Ah. If you thinking why I'm not crying, it because I make a promise with my mother" said Haknyeon.

"Promise?" asked Sunwoo.

Haknyeon nodded.

"She said no matter what happen, I shouldn't cry. I will not cry. It's a promise I make with her" said Haknyeon.

"But you can't just keep hide that feeling" said Sunwoo.

"... I can't. It's like... I forgot how to cry" said Haknyeon.

Haknyeon has forgotten what it felt like to cry. He hasn't allowed himself to feel the release and the relief that crying can bring, since the time of his parents' death. He has suppressed his feelings and has ignored his grief, and this has continued every since. He has not allowed himself to feel and to express his emotions in this way.

"I think I'm broken. Am I?" asked Haknyeon.

"No. You're not. You're not broken. Don't say that to yourself" said Sunwoo.

"I know I shouldn't. It just make me wonder" said Haknyeon.

The next day, both Sunwoo and Haknyeon are cleared to go home by the doctor. After spending time in the hospital and recovering, they are now allowed to go home. This is a relief for both of them, and they are happy to be able to return home and resume their regular lives.

"Jaehyun been texting me since morning. He couldn't stop" said Haknyeon.

They in their car, on the way home.

"Jaehyun is worried about you" said Chanhee.

"I know but sending the text almost 50 messages? How the heck I'm gonna reply it?" asked Haknyeon.

"Just give him a call. Easy" said Jacob.

"It's not that easy. I don't like calling" said Haknyeon.

"You introvert. Be courage and call him. He just want to know your condition" said Kevin.

"Fine" sigh Haknyeon.

All his brother laughing giggle to Haknyeon.

In a different car, Sunwoo and Eric take the backseat. Eric has been missing Sunwoo, so he is glued to Sunwoo for most of the trip. Sunwoo seems to be okay with this. Eric is also happy to be with Sunwoo, and wants to spend time with him and make up for the time that they have lost while Sunwoo was in the hospital.

Once they arrive home, both Sunwoo and Haknyeon are feeling quite exhausted and want to go straight to their room to rest and recuperate. Sunwoo is still feeling weak and needs time to regain his strength, while Haknyeon is not able to walk on his own without support due to his injuries. They both just need some time to relax and take things easy, as their bodies need to catch up and recover from the events of the day.

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