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            "What? Sunwoo been kidnapped?" asked Sangyeon shocked.

All the siblings were at the living room along with Sangyeon, Chanhee, and Jacob. They had just gotten the news that Sunwoo had been kidnapped and they were all shocked to hear the news. They couldn't believe that something like this could have happened and they were all very worried and concerned for Sunwoo.

"How did it happened?" asked Changmin.

"We were waiting for Hyunjae hyung came. Then, suddenly Kim Yura came behind us and the man that tried to kidnapped Sunwoo before also there too. He grab Sunwoo away after he hit me in the head" said Eric.

Jacob was treating Eric's wound on his head.

"Don't move, Eric" said Jacob.

"We been so cautious but she still getting him so easily" said Eric.

"It's not your fault, Eric" said Changmin.

"The police is trying their best to find Sunwoo. They manage to get the image of their car. It might take a while to find them" said Hyunjae.

"What if it too late?" asked Younghoon.

"It won't. I'll not letting this happened to Sunwoo" said Hyunjae.

Sunwoo woke up but he was feeling dizzy the moment he opened his eyes. He felt light-headed and he had a headache. He felt like his head was spinning and he couldn't focus properly.

"Wha... What happened? My head hurt" said Sunwoo.

"I see you've awake, Sunwoo-ya"

When he heard someone's voice, he became more awake. He was still feeling light-headed, but the voice helped to wake him up a little more. He became aware of the voice and he recognized who it belonged to. It was a voice that he really hated and he was not happy to hear it.

In front of him, he saw Kim Yura sitting on the sofa. She was sipping a hot tea and their positions were facing each other. She was sitting comfortably while Sunwoo was tied up at the chair. They were in an uncomfortable position and it was not ideal for Sunwoo. Kim Yura was just enjoying her tea and she seemed relaxed. Sunwoo was not enjoying the situation and he wanted to get out of it.

"Let go of me!" he yelled.

"Let go of you? I can't do that. I want you, Sunwoo ya" said Yura.

"And you think I would accept it? In your dream!" said Sunwoo.

"It's hurt, Sunwoo. Been push away from you. Don't you see? I'm in love with you" said Yura.

Sunwoo felt disgusted. He couldn't believe that Kim Yura would act like this because of love. She had stalked him and she had been chasing him his entire life for love. She had gone too far and she was hurting him. He couldn't accept that this was how she show her love for him.

This was not love and he felt disgusted by her actions. Love should never make someone act in such a harmful way. He wanted to be free from her and he wanted her to leave him alone.

"While I'm not! I don't like you from the very first you start stalking me! If you think I didn't know, you tried to drug me with the chocolate that you make it! I know this for a long time! That's why I throw it away!"

Kim Yura quiet.

"You know?" asked Kim Yura.

Sunwoo was confuse.

"That's... amazing! Because of that, I be able to get you, Sunwoo. By making your friends hate you and you will be mine" said Kim Yura.

Sunwoo was shock. He never thought Kim Yura would be more happy after he know the truth. He's wrong, it become more worse.

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