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            "This is so delicious!" said Eric.

They came to the café where Jaehyun work.

"Glad you like it" said Jaehyun.

"I didn't know you can bake it" said Changbin.

"Are you worried about my baking skills, Changbin?" asked Jaehyun.

"Nope. Not at all. I just thought that someone who was an extreme person and outgoing person would baking as a hobbies" said Changbin.

"Are you mocking me?" asked Jaehyun irritated.

"Was I?" asked Changbin.

Jaehyun lock Changbin head as a joke.

"You are mocking my baking!" said Jaehyun while Changbin just laugh.

It drew laughter from the others too. Haknyeon saw Sunwoo looking down and playing with a fork. It's possible that Sunwoo might still be thinking about the girl from the other day. He might not have liked her very much, and had gotten angry when the girl claimed to be his girlfriend. Perhaps he was annoyed that the girl was so bold to make that claim, or he just doesn't like her much.

Haknyeon doesn't know what happened between Sunwoo and the girl, and he understands that it's not his place to find out about the situation without Sunwoo telling him about it first. He won't try to get involved unless Sunwoo is willing to share the details about the girl and their relationship.

"Sunwoo" called Haknyeon.


He look at Haknyeon.

"Is the cake taste good?" asked Haknyeon.

"Oh. Yeah. It's good" said Sunwoo.

"Wanna try mine? It a tangerine cake" said Haknyeon.

"Tangerine?" asked Sunwoo.

"Haknyeon really like tangerine. He said his mother always feed him tangerine when he was little" said Jaehyun.

"Really?" asked Eric.

"I just remember a bit but my mother always prepare a tangerine whenever I was crying" said Haknyeon.

"If you still remember it, it's mean it really a comfortable memory with your parents" said Eric.

"It is. You want some?" asked Haknyeon.

"Yeah. You can have mine" said Sunwoo.

They change their plate. Sunwoo takes a bite of the cake, and he's surprised by how soothing the taste is. It seems to have a calming effect on him, and he really enjoys the taste of it. It's a nice moment for him to experience something that is able to bring him some comfort and relaxation.

"How it is?" asked Haknyeon.

"It's good. I can see why you like this cake" said Sunwoo.


It's time they need to go home.

"Bye, guys! See you tomorrow" said Wooyoung.

Changbin and Wooyoung walk together to the bus stop together. Haknyeon, Eric and Sunwoo on the other side to walk home together while Jaehyun still stay to help other worker to close the café.

When they walk together, Haknyeon saw the candle shop.

"Hey, you guys go on first. I need to buy some candle" said Haknyeon.

"Okay. See you tomorrow, hyung" said Eric.

Haknyeon bid goodbye to them and walk into the shop. In the shop, there's a lot of types of candles. He really like candle because it really soothing and help him calm. His stock of candles in his room almost finished.

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