Road not taken

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Jungsook pov

Jo and I quickly turned our heads to the door. He pulled me closer in case one of the parents came in.

At the door frame, I saw someone I had been longing to see, for years now.

"JEONGIN!" I ran from Jo and into my brothers arms.

Jeongin is my brother who allegedly got murdered, but none of my family believed it.

We knew that he was stronger than that.

So, we moved around to hopefully find him

I guess he found me instead.

"I missed you so so so much." he sobbed.

I could only cry in response.

After a while, we let go.

Jeongin beckoned to Jo, "Who's that?"

"O-oh. This is Jo, my-"

"Boyfriend, i'm her boyfriend."

I widened my eyes, but before I could explain, the others quickly came rushing in.

"Guys! Father is dying, and Mother is dead! We're free."

Jo shook his head, "No, I need to finish him off." 


Jo pov

I stormed out of the room, and eventually found the room that father was dying in.

I kneeled on the floor next to his body.

"I fucking hate you!" I punched him in the face.

"How dare you put your filthy hands on my girl!" I punched him again, the second time a lot harder.

"You bastard! I hope your death is slow and torturous! I hope you suffer!" that was the last thing I said before swinging at him again, but K-hyung pulled me away.

"Jo, I know, he's fucked up. But that's still our father-"

I cut him off, "He tried to r-rape Jungs-sook" K's eyes widened.

"LET'S KILL THIS BITCH!" and they all started to punch and hit him. 

I walked out and headed into another room, crying in the corner of it, because I felt bad that Jungsook had to go through all of that.

"Jo?" I heard a soft voice call out to me.

I looked up with puffy eyes.

"Don't cry, love. It's not your fault." she hugged me.

I slowly hugged her back, then tightening it, "I just love you so much. I feel bad for-" 

I was cut off when I felt something  soft on my lips.

I opened my eyes and saw Jungsook kissing me.

I smiled and kissed back. Grabbing her waist to deepen the kiss.

But then, she pulled away.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked, pouting.

"We should get out of here. I kind of have trauma."

I nodded, taking her hand.

"But before we leave, am I really your girlfriend?" she looked up at me with her beautiful eyes.

I shrugged, "It's your call, babe. I'll respect your decision." I pecked her cheek.

She smiled.

"Jo, I love you so much."

"I love you too."

And with that, we headed off to the others, letting them know that we should leave.

Jungsook and I stepped into a new chapter in our lives. Being together for every step of the way


Road not taken

(tbh I feel like that ending was straight GARBAGE, but, at least I can focus on my other stories better now. 



And make sure to check out some of my other stories!!

i love you guysss

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