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Yeah, we're going down, down


"YANG JUNGSOOK" the said girl started to wake up, "GET THE HELL OUT OF BED."

She chuckled at how her mother yelled at her brother.

Jungsook and her twin brother, Jungwon, had just transferred from Decelis Academy, to Sunshine City School. Jungsook was really scared because she thought that she would not be accepted at the school. But she had no choice but to go with it.


Jungsook pov

"Have a good day lil sis." Jungwon said and gave me a hug.

"You too." I smiled and hugged him back.

"Don't go around and make any trouble." He pointed his finger at me, jokingly.

I rolled my eyes, " yeah yeah, just go already." He chuckled and walked off. I took a deep breath and stepped into the classroom. Inside, I looked up and there was this one guy that really caught my eye. He was writing in his notebook but then looked up at me. I could feel myself blush, and looked away.

He was so cute. He had a little mole on his nose, and one on his chin. And his lips were so plump and pretty. His eyes were like little showstoppers, they glistened in the sunlight. And he had big ears that stuck out on the side of his head, making him even cuter.

I decided sit in the only empty seat in the classroom. It was close to the boy, but I had no choice but to sit there. But I wanted to make sure that it wasn't taken.

"Uhm.. excuse me." I said in a quiet voice to another boy sitting next to the seat that I needed. He looked up at me and smiled, " is this seat taken?" I asked.

"Oh no, but I'm glad that I have a seat mate, finally. You seem really nice." He continued, "I'm Yuma, let's be friends!" He showed me a pretty smile while give me his hand to shake.

"Hi, I'm Jungsook!" I smiled back and returned the handshake. What's the harm in making friends?

"That names really pretty! How about I introduce you to my friends?" I nodded, "Great! JoJo, c'mere!" I looked back to see where Yuma beckoned to. It was... The guy who caught my eye. He started walking towards us. I looked down, not knowing what else to look at.

"Okay so, Jungsook, this is Jo, Jo this is my- I mean our  new friend, Jungsook!"

"Ahh, nice to meet you." He nodded and smiled at me, putting out his hand for a handshake.

"You too! I hope we can make great friends in the future!" I politely added, smiling back and giving him a handshake. Just then, his ears were turning red. Was he blushing? I smiled even harder.


Jo pov

How the hell is she so pretty? As soon as she walked in the classroom, I knew that I want to protect her from all the dangers in this world. I wanted her to feel safe around me. I wanted her to be mine and only mine.

I'm so thankful that Yuma introduced me to her. Now I have a better chance at her being mine. After the introduction, I went back to my seat, drawing in my notebook. Now I finally have inspiration!

Then she sat down in front of me. When she was placing her supplies on her desk, she looked like she was struggling, so I tapped her on her shoulder.

"Do you know where your locker is?" I asked her.

"Actually, no. My brother left for his class before we could find out lockers." She pouted.

"Cute" I muttered under my breath.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

"I was thinking that I could see how you where your locker is, since this class is kind of a free period."

"Really? That'd be great."

"Yeah, of course! Let's go?" I reached out for her hand, and she accepted it.


Are we lost or found?

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