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I want to see you soon, my skin responds


Jungsook pov

"Maki, what did the kiss mean?" I hesitantly asked him. Not knowing whether i'd get an answer or not.

Silence engulfed us once again.

"I-I-I don't think that know is the right time to discuss." he stuttered, "I'll tell you later though, I promise." I nodded to him, trusting his words.

All of a sudden, I felt this overwhelming stinging feeling.

Like a cramp on my head.

"Ouch!" I let out, while the unpleasant feeling took over my body.

Maki came closer to me to see what was wrong.

"Ahh, werewolf affliction." he said, identifying what was wrong with me.

"Huh?" I asked after the pain was gone.

"Pains that every wolf gets a little while after they turn." he responded.


"Ej's calling me. He wants us to go over to where they are with Jay."

I nodded, intertwining his hand with mine so that he could teleport the both of us.

I deeply sighed. Scared for what might happen next.

I guess Maki noticed, because he gave my hand a comforting squeeze before teleporting the both of us to where Ej and Jay were.


Nicholas pov

I hit the last one of the minions that was charging at me. 

Superstrength is really great.

I seriously was not  gonna let one of those pains in the ass lay as much as one finger on my girl. Not even see her, either.

I quickly made sure that everyone else was okay, before heading out to find the others.

I needed to make sure that Jungsook was all right.

When I found the room that Jungsook, Ej, Maki, and Jay were in, I saw one person who looked quite familiar...

He was hugging Jungsook.

Is that Jungwon?


Ey, hold your hand and we're going our way

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