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Yeah, we're going round, round


Jo pov

'Jo, you need to work now, while everything happens. You can't ruin the plan, again.'

I didn't want to.

But she was the missing piece.

The missing piece that could cure all werewolves again.

We need her.


We'd have to kidnap her in order to save us...

She would have to sacrifice her life in order to save us...

"Please don't hate me." 

She looked back at me really confused.

I really don't want to be apart of the plan, but i have no choice. The others will kill us both off if I don't comply.

"For what?" 

I closed my eyes, and put my hand on the side of my head, since making people pass out takes a lot of brain power.

Before her body could hit the floor, I caught her. 

'Okay, she's out. I'm going right now.'

'Good.' someone responded to my mind comment. It sounded like Fuma-kun. 

I made sure that Jungsook was nice and secure in my arms, before taking off to the forest behind the school.


Jungsook pov

I woke up to a tinnitus in my ears.

"Ouch. What the hell." I patted my ears to hopefully get rid of the ringing. And with my other hand, I rubbed my eyes to open them. When I finally did, I realized that I had passed out, but I wasn't in my room, nor in my house at all.

"Where the hell am I? Where's Jo? Where's Jungwon?" A million questions flooded through my head as I held the doorknob on the door that's connected to the hallway of this place. Maybe when I passed out, Jo had to take me here because he didn't know where I lived. 

I hope so.

That was the last thing I thought before opening the door. Peeking out, I saw all of the boys I had just met today. They were discussing something about a 'blood moon' 


I was looking for Jo, when he looked towards my direction.

"U-uh guys, I'll be back." He excused himself from the table before heading towards me.

"What's up? You look like you have a lot on your mind right now."

"I have to explain somethings." he said, and sat down on the bed that I woke up from.

"And that is?"

"Well...You're kind of needed for us werewolves to life." I was shocked.

They're werewolves?

"Oh wait, I kinda forgot to say that me and the boys are werewolves." he said, all jumbled. 


"And- I know I should've said this earlier, but please don't hate me." he closed his eyes really tight, I guess he was expecting me to hit him.

"Dummy. How can I hate you for something that you were born into?" I asked him, rolling my eyes playfully. He sighed in relief, "Besides, I think werewolves are pretty cool." 

"That's actually great...but there's more." he continued, "So, you're needed to fix the future of all werewolves. Although i'm no sure if you'd want to..." 

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're probably wondering how we know that it's you that's needed, right?" I nodded in response. "Our prophecy says that the sibling of a vampire needs to perform the sacred ritual at the first quarter blood moon." 

"Sibling of a vampire?" I asked, "but my only sibling is Won and he's not a-"

"I'll explain that part later. But I have to say the main thing about all of this."

"We kinda..kidnapped you."


Are we lost or found?

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