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Yeah, we're going down, down


Jo pov

"1128, 1129, and 1130!" Jungsook exclaimed, jumping up and down happily, "Thank you so much, Jo!" and to my surprise, she hugged me. Of course I was shocked, So I was hesitant to hug back. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." she apologized so quickly, that it sounded like she was rapping. 

"No, It's okay!" I assured her, patting her on her shoulder. 

"We should head back to cla-" she was cut off by yelling.

"JUNGIE!!" this guy called out. I'm assuming that he's referring to Jungsook. What if that's her boyfriend? Oh no.

"Won! What're you doing here?" she asked him, pulling him in a hug. I guess she really likes hugs. Though, I don't really mind.

"I was trying to find the restroom. Then I found you and..." he trailed off, probably because he doesn't know my name.

"Jo." I responded shortly. I don't want to say too much about myself to him, since he could be an enemy. 

"Ah, Jo. Well, I'm Jungsook's twin brother." he replied. 


I feel so dumb.

And they look just alike.

I'm so blind.

"Ah, nice to meet you." 

"Well, Won. If you're done intimidating my friend, we should probably get back to class. So, I'll see you at lunch?"

"Yeah, bye bye." he said and walked away to the restroom.

"Let's actually get back now," I looked at my watch, "class is about to end."

"Yeah." I started to walk off, thinking that she with me, "Wait, Jo." she called.

I turned around, "Yes?" 

"Can you check to see if we have the same classes?"

"Yeah, lemme see yours." she passed hers to me and I looked at them.


They're all the same.

"You have all the same classes with me and Yuma." 

"Omg yay!" 


After our next class, it was our lunch period and I was walking to the cafeteria with Jungsook and Yuma. Honestly, I was scared that Jungsook might fall for one of the others, and I would end up having no chance with her in the end. I really hope not.

What am I thinking?

Do I already like her?

I've never had an actual crush before. 

So I have no clue if I like her or not

I showed Jungsook to the table, where all of the others are. 

Jungsook pov

"Guys!" Yuma yelled to a table of seven boys, "This is Jungsook, our new friend!" he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Hi." I shyly said, loud enough for all of them to hear. They all smiled at me, some even waved.

"Hi, I'm K. The oldest of our group!" someone said. 

He's very attractive.

I shook off my thoughts by smiling at him. Then someone else introduced himself. 

"I'm Harua, the oldest of the maknae's!"  HE'S SO CUTE OMG.

He looks a little like Yuma, but more like a little bunny.  

The introductions went on until everyone was finished. Then we all started eating. I'm not gonna lie, there's this one guy that kinda intrigued me. Nicholas? I think it was. But he was really quiet and he looks kinda emo, but hella attractive. 

All of a sudden, we heard all of this commotion. 

"Guys..." I trailed off, "what's happening?" 

None of them seemed to know. 

That's when we started hearing gunshots. 
There's no way this is happening.

"Guy's you go get the cars ready, I'll get Jungsook out." Jo said, grabbing my wrist while we ran out of the cafeteria. 

"What about my brother?" I asked.

Where's Jungwon?

"I'll call Yuma to go find him. But right now, we need to get out of here." 

Luckily no one was going down this hall since the fastest way out of the cafeteria is the emergency exit.

"Will they know what he looks like?" 

"Yeah, you guys look just like each other."

"Alright, let's go find the car now?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said an held my hand again. I looked up at him and blushed when I found that he was already looking at me.

"While we were walking out since the police were already there, he suddenly stopped walking.

"Jo? What's wrong?" I was concerned.

"Please don't hate me." He put his head down.

"For what?" I asked.


I passed out.


Still don't stop

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