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run straight to the day


Nicholas pov

Why the hell am I frozen right now?

I'm supposed to be dead.

I opened my eyes and saw Jungsook...

She had her head out, as if she was freezing me.

"What-" Jungsook looked at her hands. She looked just as confused as I was.

But then I started to fall.

I guess when she looked at her hands, she unfroze me.

But then, an arm yanked mine.

I looked up to see Jo.

"NICHOLAS WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!?" Jo shouted in my face as he pulled me up from the bars.

I just looked down, "I thought that I should end myself since you all...hate me." I replied.

"What the actual fuck!" Jo shouted again, "no matter what dumb shit that you ever do, me, or the rest of us could ever hate you. You're family. And it doesn't matter if we were all adopted or not Wang Yixang! We all love you nonetheless." I was stunned.

So I am loved.

I pulled him into a hug, crying. I could feel him sobbing on my shoulder, too.

But, we suddenly heard screaming that sounded like Jungsook.

Sure enough, our evil mother has a knife up to her throat.

"If you want her to live, sacrifice yourself, Asakur Jo." She smirked, "you know where to go."

Then, she teleported away, with Jungsook.


I looked up at Jo.

"W-what do we do?" I asked him, my tears coming back.

"We won't do anything. It's me mother wants." Then, turned into a bat..

And flew away.


Yeah, we're going down, down

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