Chapter 16: So much blood

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Ester's POV

"Alright guys, say cheese." I exclaimed, snapping one last photo of me, Luna, the twins, and Neville before lining up next to the other champions by Bagman and Dumbledoor. We were getting ready to set off on the third and final challenge and I wanted to take a last photo with my friends before I won and became famous.

"Let me see." Luna said, taking the picture from my hand.

I grinned, thinking it turned out rather nicely. "You guys can hold onto that one while I'm in the maze."

"Good luck, Essy. Don't screw up out there." George muttered then, engulfing me into a very tight hug.

Suddenly, everyone else joined in as well, almost suffocating me in their arms. And I smiled again, feeling truly happy for the first time since Snape dumped me. I wrapped my arms as far around them as possible without dislocating my shoulders.

"I love you guys." I whispered, my eyes stinging with happy tears. "I'll make sure to dedicate my speech to each of you once I win."

We all laughed then, because we all knew it was a slim chance that I would end up winning the prize. Especially after my last two performances where I ended up receiving very low scores in each of them. Oh well. I didn't really give a damn anymore. All this constant preparing for the challenges and drama along the way was really beginning to irk me. It didn't seem like such a great honor to me anymore. Only a tedious chore.

Then as I pulled back, I met eyes with the one man I hated most in the world right now. The one and only Professor Severus Tobias Snape. I glared at him coldly, trying hard to stop myself from bursting into tears. That dick.

'I'm sorry.' He mouthed.

I scowled, the first tear pricking at the corner of my eye.

'It's for the best.' He mouthed again, that emotionless, blank stare piercing right into my soul.

Thankfully, that's when Luna stepped in and pulled me away, sending Snape a very dirty look. "Come on, Ester. Pay no mind to him."

I nodded, dabbing at my watery eyes. "Thank you, Looney."

She smiled, leading me over to line up with the other champions and gave me one last tight hug. "Your welcome. And don't let that prick get to you, alright?"

I nodded, grinning excitedly. "I won't."

"I'll see you after the challenge. Good luck." She replied, patting my back.

"And don't fuck it up." I finished.

We both laughed in an effort to keep the nervousness at bay. I was getting scared. I had another very bad feeling coming on. But I didn't say anything. I couldn't or else I might have started crying again, and I have done enough of that for one lifetime in my opinion.

And suddenly it was my turn to enter the gloomy looking maze. I quickly waved goodbye to my friends in the stands, giving them a small thumbs up and then I made my way in. Upon stepping into the maze though, my stomach sank and I felt sick. I wanted to go back. Something really really bad was going to happen. I could feel it.

I frantically whirled back around in a useless attempt to run back out, only to find the entrance had been swallowed up behind me to be replaced with a thick layer of shrub and tangled, grey thorns.

Snape's POV

As soon as Ester stepped into the gloomy looking maze, I could see the frantic look in her blue eyes from where I sat in the bleachers. Something was wrong. I could feel it. And I knew she could too.

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