Chapter 3: Detention with Snape

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Ester's POV

I arrived at the potions classroom for detention that night fairly early, wanting to put my plan involving Severus into action as soon as possible. If only I knew how to go about it with a man that seemed so solitary and private. I wondered what his deal was anyway? Oh well, I would just have to wing it and hope it would work. I sighed softly and rapped on the door with the back of my knuckle twice.

"Enter." The familiar cold, drawling voice of Snape ordered.

I slowly pushed open the door to find the potions master at his desk grading papers. He didn't even have to look up to know it was me. "You're early."

I nodded curtly. "I know. I just wanted to get a head start. What will I be doing?"

He pointed over to a rather thick text book on potion recipes that sat on my desk. "Book work. You will be writing a ten page essay on why it is important to chop ingredients for a sleeping drought correctly."

"Yes, sir." I said, trudging over to my desk and sitting down.

"Oh, and Miss Kingsley?" He drawled.

I looked up from my textbook to meet eyes with professor Snape. Something flashed in them. Something almost too quick to see. Concern. "Yes, professor?"

"Next time you feel another emotional outburst coming on, please refrain from allowing your metamorphmagus abilities to come through. It's dangerous." He said.

I rolled my eyes slightly at his comment. "Well, sorry but I can't control it. They just happen."

"You haven't even tried." Severus accused.

Okay, he was really starting to get on my nerves at this point. "Yes, I have. But it's harder than it looks to be as stony and uncaring as you are, you know. Plus, there isn't another metamorphmagus at Hogwarts to teach me."

"Back to work, Kingsley!" He suddenly barked.

Letting another exasperated sigh escape my lips, I did as I was told and began to flip through the pages of my book until I found out the recipe for making a sleeping drought. It didn't even take long to find what I was looking for while skimming the page. I quickly jotted down my findings on piece of parchment, glancing up at Snape every now and then curiously.

Finally, I got up the courage to ask something else. "Why would it be dangerous? You know, for people to see my ability?"

He rolled his eyes at me as if I had asked the stupidest question. He answered it anyway. "Do you know what a death eater is, Kingsley?"

I shrugged. "I think i've heard the term before."

"It's someone who works for the dark lord, Voldemort. They're recruiting new members for his cause rapidly." He drawled. "They might just see a metamorphmagus as a valuable tool."

I frowned, confused. "Why would they see me as valuable?"

He groaned in annoyance. "I don't know! You could be a spy or something. You could use your powers to look like someone else."

"And if I refused?" I asked again. I could tell Snape was getting very agitated by my dozens of questions, but I kept asking anyway. He didn't scare me.

"They would kill you." He snarled. "Now get back to work. Or do I have to make you stay for an extra few hours to finish?"

I pursed my lips and stared at him in contempt. "I was only wondering. There's no need to get snippy."

"I am not being 'snippy'." Snape growled.

I smirked in amusement. "I think you were. But that's okay; I know how to fix that, I think."

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