Chapter 13: An outcast once again

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Ester's POV

"So, if a giant meteor was headed for earth, and you had three weeks to live before it impacted, what would you do?" I asked Snape that night.

We were sitting in his living quarters on the couch, playing the question game again and flipping through comic books in my bag. He furrowed his brow in deep thought on this question. "I'm not sure. Just stay here I guess and keep teaching. What about you?"

I shrugged. "I would probably go see the world and everything I could before I die. I plan to do that anyway though, even if Armageddon wasn't coming."

"Alright," Snape said, leading through an issue of The Walking Dead. "My turn. What will you do if you don't become famous as a musician?"

I frowned, my brow creasing. I had never thought about that before. "I really like Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I might come back here and teach that or at another school since you seem to want it so bad."

He smirked, amusement showing in his obsidian eyes. His tone dropped sarcasm, causing me to laugh. "When I get that job, and I'm sure I will long before you do, I'll think about letting you be my apprentice."

I sniggered. "I'll keep that in mind."

"It's your turn." Severus reminded me.

"Oh. Er, if you were a zombie, what part of the human would you eat first?" I asked quickly.

He bit down on his lower lip, trying to hide a smile from forming. "You come up with the weirdest questions."

"I know. Now come on, answer it." I demanded, a sly grin playing on my lips.

"An appendage where it's easiest to get a bite into." He answered.

I opened my mouth to comment, when the large grandfather clock in the corner of the room chimed eleven. I sighed quietly to myself. I had to get going if I was going to make it back before curfew. "I gotta go." I muttered reluctantly.

He nodded. "I can walk you back if you would like."

Smiling half heartedly, I gathered my things and stuffed them into my bag. "Yeah. I don't want to part just yet anyways."

We walked mainly in silence just as we always did, our hands brushing together as we went side by side. By now I had realized Snape and I weren't the most talkative type in the entire world, and I was fine with that. The quiet was, as always, comforting. I think Severus enjoyed it too. He would always have the tiniest half smile on his face whenever he thought I wasn't looking his way. It was funny. Not the haha kind of funny like when someone tells a joke, but the kind that made you go, "huh, weird." He looked so out of place without his unamused, no-nonsense scowl plastered on his face. In a good way, though. Different was always good.

"Sev?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Yes?" He answered.

"I think you should try to make nice with Harry. He's not as bad as you might think." I suggested, furrowing my brow as I tried picturing Harry and Snape as friends. Or at least not as hostile towards each other.

He plastered on a fake scowl, even though I knew he was considering the idea. "You hardly know him. He's an arrogant, self absorbed prat."

"Dude," I exclaimed. "I've known him for half the school year and he's a really nice kid. Just give it a chance."

He sighed in irritation. "I absolutely will not."

"You see what you expect to see, Sev." I remarked him bluntly.

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