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Tamiko and Yuji stared blankly at the now empty, charred land. Both teens began to hyperventilate. Yuji grabbed his face while Tamiko grips her hair. The memories of destruction that the two curses had flood their minds. They dropped down to their knees. Tamiko began to panic and scream before puking. "W-What...?" She cried as she punched her fist into the ground. "What did you make me do...!" Tamiko cries. "AYA! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She wailed and cried out in pain with Yuji. She jumped in fear as she felt Yuji's hand on her. Once seeing it was him, she fell in his arms. "Tamiko...we have to go. We must fight. If this continues..." Tamiko saw an expression she had never seen Yuji wear. "We're nothing but murderers." He said. 

Thoughts wander through their heads as they walked together. Feeling broken and torn from the inside. Tamiko knew and accepted what she was when she found out what Aya was and what Carmine did in the night when she took over. Though after what Aya did with her body...after drenching her hands in blood...it killed her more on the inside. She just wanted to help people. She wanted to find understanding of who she was. She wanted a normal life or a normal death...whatever that meant. Tamiko learned that she could never surpass her father...she was still so weak despite her new ways of fighting. She fell against the wall and began to cry again. Yuji looks at her before picking her up. "C'mon, we have to keep going." He told her. He gently kissed the top of her head and wiped away her tears. Tamiko looked into his eyes and no longer saw the joy and happiness he once had before this whole thing started. Yuji could say the same for her. They continued to stumble through the building though they began to run as they heard fighting. 

They froze seeing Mahito having his hand on Nanami. "Nanami?" Yuji asks as he steps forward. "Itadori. Tamiko." Nanami calls out to the two. Tamiko grips harder to Yuji as they walked closer. "I'll leave the rest to you." Those were the last words of their mentor. Both teens stood still in shock. Anger, sadness, all of their emotions began to swirl together. "What's this?" Tamiko asks. "WHAT IS THIS, MAHITO?!" Yuji shouts. "You don't have to shout. I can hear you! Itadori Yuji!" Mahito smiles as he turns around. Both Tamiko and Yuji began to run at Mahito out of anger. Mahito then send a transfigured human to set a barrier between him and them. 

~ Skipping a bit ~

Having a moment to breathe, due to Kugisaki's help, the couple began to beat Mahito to a pulp. Thank you...my best friend. Tamiko smiles softly as her and Yuji hit a blow on Mahito together. Tamiko grabbed Mahito by the neck and took in a deep breathe. She screamed into his face and Yuji's eyes widen in surprise seeing this new technique. However, Mahito separated himself to get away from her screaming. Tamiko tried to kill one of them, but they jumped away from her once Yuji killed the bait. Tamiko cursed at herself as she felt a bit slow. That scream took a toll on her curse energy. Tamiko and Yuji quickly chased after Mahito unaware that their classmate was about to come up. Both their eyes widen seeing Kugisaki at the end of the hall. "RUN, KUGISAKI!!" The couple yells at her. But it was too late, Mahito had put his hand on their friend. The two quickly run up to. 

"Itadori, Tamiko, tell everyone this for me." Kugisaki smiles at the two. "I've lived a pretty good life." Tamiko's eyes widen as blood hit her cheek. Her eyes shifted to her dead friend. She wanted to look away, but she kept looking thinking this was all a bad dream. A nightmare. 

"Hey, there's the lucky bride." Kugisaki smiles as she linked arms with Tamiko. Tamiko smiles at her as they stood next to each other. "Y'know, Fushiguro cried during the ceremony." Kugisaki chuckles. "Awe, did he now? All I could see was my dad crying." Tamiko chuckles. The two look at Megumi and Yuji. "He tried to deny it when I asked him about it." Kugisaki laughs. "I bet." Tamiko laughs with her. The two sigh in sync. "So when are the babies coming?" Kugisaki teases. Tamiko blushes and shook her head. "W-We're not having kids just yet! That's way later, probably after Yuji eats at least ten fingers." Tamiko says. "If we do have a baby, I at least want to be with him or her for at least a little while. More than enough time than what my mom had with me. After that...I want you, my dad, and Megumi to take care of them." Tamiko hums as she looks at Kugisaki. "Of course our senpai's as well. I want them to grow up with good people." Tamiko adds. Kugisaki smiles and leans her head against Tamiko's arm. "I promise to be the best aunt ever to them." Kugisaki hums. 

Tamiko began to shake and breathe in heavily. Again, she was having a panic attack as she gripped her shirt. This wasn't a nightmare...this was reality. A reality where her mentor died in front of her, her own hands killed many innocent people, where best friend died in front of her as well. "K-Kugi-" Tamiko felt a sharp pain in her eye and in her throat before Mahito used Black flash on her. All Yuji could do was feel numb and take whatever beating Mahito did to him. Mahito then grabbed Tamiko who was choking on her own blood. He stabbed her neck again and cut all the way across her chest. He lastly stabbed her stomach before tossing her behind him as if she was broken toy. Thankfully, Todo came to recuse, but Yuji felt so broken. He shook at the core seeing Tamiko's lifeless eyes again as he held her hand. "And now...maybe Tamiko is gone." Yuji cried. 

Todo shared encouraging words to Yuji in hopes to help the broken male up on his feet and fight again. Todo's companion used his technique to stop the bleeding on Yuji. After Todo fought with Mahito for a moment, Yuji came in with Black Flash. The companion was about to treat Tamiko, however, her body was gone. 

"Tamiko...?" Yuji breathes out as he saw her behind Mahito. Her head was hung low and blood covered her body. Scars were noticeable on her neck. Tamiko slowly lifts her head up and she had an odd smile. Her one good eye looked crazed as well. 

"You should've finished on cutting my head off." Tamiko grins.

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