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- Tamiko POV -

My sadness went down a bit after seeing the newborn babies. "Man if babies weren't so expensive to take care of then I would have at least 20." I said to myself as I walked back to Yuji. "I thought about the same thing, brat." Aya says in my head. "However, I doubt that your human utuerus can handle it." She adds. "I was kidding." I reply with a frown. I jump as my watch went off. "Feeding time." Aya chuckles. "Yeah, yeah. Let me say bye to Yuji." I grunt. 

However, once I came back to the spot I left Yuji...Yuji wasn't there anymore. I whipped out my phone and dialed Yuji as I ran out of the hospital.


"Huh? Tamiko?...OH CRAP! I LEFT TAMIKO AT THE HOSPITAL!" Yuji shouts as it was already too late to turn back and get her. He answered her. "HEY! I'M SORRY! GOING TO THE SCHOOL TO SAVE OUR SENPAI'S!!" Yuji shouts before hanging up. Tamiko looks at her phone.

(Her expression)

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(Her expression)

"THE FU-?!" 

"She's going to kill me." Yuji sighs as he kept running as he felt a shiver go down his spine. The two finally made it to the school and already, Yuji could feel the intense pressure. 

~ Time Skip ~

"Yuji!" Megumi turns his attention to see Tamiko standing there. How did she get up here without being seen? "EAT IT!" She grins widely. Megumi's eyes widen feeling the change of her aura. This wasn't the playful and calm Tamiko he knew just a few hours earlier. Something was wrong. Megumi failed to see the curse the tattoo markings on her soft pale skin, how her left eye glowed a dark orange, and how the left side of her teeth seemed to sharpen. 

Yuji ate the finger and after a moment, Sukuna took over. After killing the curse, Sukuna began to laugh and began to talk how great it felt to finally have a body. "Sukuna!" 'Tamiko' shouts as she walked towards him. Sukuna turned his head and grinned seeing his lover from the past. "Aya..." Sukuna smirks as he lifts his chin. "Have you finally come back to claim my head?" He chuckles. "Not only that, but your heart as well." Aya huffs. "I'm shocked that you took over a Gojo. A clan that you swore to kill." Sukuna adds on. "Desperate needs call for desperate measures. Now...die!" Aya growls as she goes to attack him.

However, Tamiko took control and pulled herself back. "OI! What did I tell you about this?!" She shouts as she grabs her face. Yuji grabbed his face. "What do you think you're doing with my body? Give it back." Yuji says. "Stupid brat! I told you not to interrupt me!" Aya barks. "I don't give a fuck! Therefore your comment is irrelevant, old woman!" Tamiko sassed back. Tamiko and Yuji were able to suppress Sukuna and Aya. "You're annoying just like your mother!" Aya shouts before going quiet for a moment.

"Don't move! Both of you are not human anymore! Under Jujutsu regulations, Itadori Yuji and Ama Tamiko, I will exorcise you as a curse!" Megumi says as he got ready to attack. Suddenly, Gojo appeared and asked Megumi where the cursed object was. Yuji revealed that he had eaten Sukuna's finger. Gojo laughs in disbelief on how well Yuji was able to combine with Sukuna. After fighting with Sukuna for ten seconds, he moved on Tamiko, however, Aya took over the left side of Tamiko's face.

"I thought it'd be longer until I fight against you. Your brat of a child is as stubborn as you, damn Gojo!" Aya hissed as she glared at him. Gojo froze as he heard her voice. 

"She put in the effort to fight, but that was worthless in the end." The curse scoffed.

"You..." Gojo said as he looked at Tamiko. "I have a name," Aya grumbles. "H-How are you still here?" Gojo asks. "Isn't it obvious? This is your daughter. The one that was made for me." Aya says while she gives a twisted grin. Gojo and Tamiko looked at each other in shock. "Your wife hid her pregnancy away from you. Maybe to ease the blow in case this one was marked, but I think it's because you forced her into something she didn't want. Either way, she died because you weren't there to save her." Aya pushes. This angered Gojo since he knew it was Aya that killed his wife. She tore his wife's heart out. She killed his beloved Tamiko. "YOU KILLED HER!!" Gojo shouts as he went to attack. Tamiko jumps back to block his attack. She grabbed rocks and they turned into a bow and arrow. "What the hell?! She's inside of me!" Tamiko shouts. She looks at Gojo in confusion and shock. Shocked that he wanted to hit- possibly kill- her because of the monster that was inside of her. Gojo stood still as he tried to understand on what just happened. Tamiko moved and ran to Yuji's and Megumi's side. "Yuji...what the hell did you just do?" She mutters as she held his hand. 


Yuji was caught up by Gojo on what happened, even the things about Aya and Tamiko.

He stared at her as she stood in front of the house she grew up in. "You okay?" He asks as he stood next to her. He knew how much this house meant to her. It meant a lot to him as well since this was the place they would hang out and have the most fun in when they were children. Tamiko looked at him and gives a soft smile. "Not really, but I'm pushing through." She hums. The two went in the car and were taken to the outskirts of Tokyo.

"So did you know about this stuff?" Yuji asks Tamiko. "Mostly about curses and my techniques. Aya explained it to me once I was able to communicate and understand her. It kinda sucks that she can take control whenever she wants, but I'm able to take her out. I never really told you about this stuff because I knew you couldn't see them. I also couldn't tell you about the things she made me do when it turns night." Tamiko says as she hugs herself. "Yuji...I'm a monster. I-I killed people...innocent people." Tamiko cried a bit as she was finally able to tell him. "Tamiko, you're not a monster. Never think of youself as one. We will work this out together, I promise you." Yuji told her as he wiped away her tears. Tamiko rests her head on his shoulder and does her best to hug him. "If I had to die with someone...I rather have you than anyone else by my side." She whispers.

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