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- Megumi POV -

I sigh as I put down the flowers I brought for Tamiko-San. "I'm sorry, Tamiko-San. I'm not sure where you are right now, but I hope that you can hear that I'm sorry. I promised you that I would bring her back, but that didn't go as planned. I only ask for forgiveness from you and that you two can rest happily together." I pictured Tamiko's face. "Y'know...in that short time I've spent with her..." I looked up at the sky. "I actually started to like her in the way I viewed you. Is it shameful that I try to replace you with her?" I ask. 

"Fushiguro." I turned my head and saw Ieiri-San. "Hello, Ieiri-San." I hummed. "I see you came to visit Tamiko." She says. I nodded my head. Tamiko -San and her family were buried here at Jujutsu Tech. Some sorcerers came here to pay their respects since they were the fourth-highest powerful jujutsu bloodline. "Doesn't it make you wonder why the grass seems so dead here? I put flowers for her and yet the next day they're dead." She lightly jokes. It was strange why the plants seemed to die in the graveyard. "Ieiri-San...when will Tamiko join them?" I ask. "Soon. Gojo wants to wait a moment before doing such a thing." I nodded at her words. "C-Can I see her?" I ask. "I'm sorry Fushiguro, but Gojo doesn't want anyone else to come see her body. You shouldn't anyway. Your memories of her should be somethinging happy. Back when she was alive." Ieiri-San said. She's right...I shouldn't hurt myself more.


"We heard two of your classmates died. One was the daughter of Satoru Gojo, yeah? How unfortunate that she didn't inherited on being the strongest and was cursed by not one but two. Maybe it was a good thing she died. Can't imagine being as unlucky like her. Both of you should be feeling better that both of them are dead since they were just half-faced monsters." Mai smirks. I started to get agitated and angry with Mai as she bad-mouthed Tamiko and Itadori. "What does she mean by two?" Kugisaki asks. "Aya was known to be cursed when she was human. When it turned to night, she would turn into a monster that fed on human flesh. The reason why the Gojo clan killed her clan after the death of her fiance." I informed.

Todo then began to talk and come up to me. "Fushiguro, was it? WHAT KIND OF WOMAN IS YOUR TYPE?!" he asks loudly. "Huh?" both me and Kugisaki ask. "If I don't like your answer then I might have to beat you half to death right here." Todo said as he got in a stance to fight. "My type is tall woman with a big gorgeous a**!" When he said that all I could think was Tamiko. If she was alive and here then I would certainly be ticked off if he tried to do something with her. 

"Why would I want to discuss my taste in woman? Especially with you, a guy I just met?" I ask him. "Hmm?" Todo hums. "That's true. This guy is seriously anti-social." Kugisaki said. I grew annoyed at her response. "You're not helping me. Please don't talk and make this any harder than it already is." I said to her. "Kyoto third-year; Aoi Todo. Introduction over. Now we're friends so hurry up and answer my question! If you prefer men than that's fine too. A person's fetish is revealed everything about them. People who have boring taste in woman are boring people themselves. And there is nothing I hate more than a man I find boring. The exchange event is where my soul can be free as the blood boils and the flesh clashes! Who knows what I'll do when my last exchange event ends up only boring me." Todo said. He persisted more into making me answer his question. I thought for a moment and saw Tsumiki but then it got replaced by Tamiko. 

"I suppose my type of woman is someone who has an unshakable character." I said. "Dammit! Why did you have to be so boring?!" My eyes widen as he ran up to attack me. I was then throw to the ground but his raw strength. 


I look inside Tamiko's empty room and sighed. I know it was weird to pry in her room, but I feel like I never got the chance to know the real Tamiko. I opened one side of her closet, but the other door was jammed. I grunted as I pulled my hardest and it did open, but something fell on the ground. "Crap!" I hissed as I got down. It was box full of photos. I grabbed the ones that fell out of the box and looked through them. I smiled softly seeing her baby pictures and her being so happy with her adoptive parents. Her adoptive father had white hair and blue eyes but his were darker. I guess it was understandable for her to think that they were blood-related at a certain age.  I slightly stopped smiling as I saw Yuji in the pictures with her. They were so close to each other and probably knew every single thing about one another. It was clear that Yuji had a thing for her and if he were to confess...what chance would I have when they were basically a perfect couple? Though, I mostly see Tamiko as a sister. As I put the photo's back in the box, I saw a handycam inside. I tried to turn it on, but the batteries were dead. I went to my room and replaced the old ones. Finally, it turned on and I was able to watch what was on it. 

~ Video ~

"Are you ready, angel?" Her 'mother' asks. "Yup!" Tamiko nodded. She held the ukulele in her arms and began to strum it. Her 'mother started the song and eventually Tamiko joined in. 

"I have a dream I hope will come true.~ That you're here with me and I am here with you.~ I wish that the earth, sea, and the sky up above-a.~ Will send me someone to lava.~" Tamiko sang. Her voice was beautiful even at her young age. Her and her mother began to sing together happily. "I have a dream I hope will come true.~ That you will grow old with me, and I will grow old with you.~ We thank the earth, sea, and the sky we thank too.~ I lava you.~" Her mother sang. "I lava you.~" Her father sang next as he had come out from behind the camera. "I lava you.~" Tamiko finishes off. Her parents cheered for her as they all hugged together. 

"Mama, papa, can I find someone who can lava me back?" Tamiko innocently asks. "Of course, Angel. You will become a beautiful woman and a nice handsome man will love and take care of you forever. You will make him the happiest man alive as long as he made you the happiest woman alive." Her mother hums. "I hope I meet him soon!" Tamiko smiles widely. 

~ End of Video ~

I thought back when I first met Tamiko. She sang that same song. She didn't talk much about her adoptive parents so it must be very personal when it comes to them. I turned off the camera and started to fall asleep. Her singing reminded me of Tamiko-san's. I began to hum the song that she used to hum to me when I was a child until I eventually fell asleep. 

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