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"Motherf*cker!" Tamiko shouts as she uses the builing they were in to her advantage. Protecting her and the three males from the curse's attacks. "Why did it have to be a plant?! This would've been easier if this things was non-living!" Tamiko rants. The four jumped onto a roof before turning around to face the curse. Megumi sent his Nue and thought Inumaki would stop the curse, however, Inumaki hit his limit. "Shit! Inumaki-Senpai!" Tamiko worries as she ran over to the male. Kamo was knocked out by the punch the curse hit him with. Tamiko tried to stop Inumaki as he stood back up. Even Megumi tried to stop him, but he sent one last hit before giving out. Though, the curse was not finished yet. "Aw hell." Tamiko mutters. Maki tried to sneak from behind and cut the curse with the katana she acquired from Miwa. But that broke making Maki click her tongue. Megumi sent another attack with a jet-black blade. This time it did hurt the curse. Tamika jumped to the two after setting Toge and Kamo safely aside. She touched shard pieces of the roof and shaped them into daggers. Maki then attacked the curse with a special-grade tool called: Playful Cloud. It send the curse back into the forest area. 

Tamiko went after it and sent her daggers. They missed the curse...on purpose. "I hope this works." Tamiko mutters. "Transfer!" She shouts as she now manipulated the dirt without touching it. 

"Tamiko, I know you need to touch whatever non-living things but during in battle, you may not have time to do that. Also, smarter curses will just go for you hands and quickly take you out." Gojo said as he stood in front of Tamiko. "Let's practice on you transfering your touch to other things." He hums. 

The ground began to rumble and four balls of dirt surrounded the curse. They then exploded, clouding the curse's vision and enough time for Maki and Megumi to attack with the jet-black blade and Playful Cloud. However, Megumi was struck by the curse. "Megumi!" Maki and Tamiko shout in worry. Maki was stabbed by the arm, though Tamiko was struck in the stomach. "You piece of sh*t!" Tamiko growls. She splashes the water underneath her and touched the droplets. Allowing her to control the water, she cut the root that was plunged in her stomach. Tamiko distracted the curse to make way for Maki to send an attack, however, that didn't work so well. Both got caught and Tamiko was lifted higher so she couldn't pull off any tricks. The curse then sent roots around Tamiko's hands and broke some of her fingers, making her scream in pain. "B*tch!" Tamiko spat in anger. Megumi was going to try and save the two females, but Maki stopped him. "It's time to tag out!" Maki grins. Just in time, Todo and Yuji came down and rescued the two girls. Todo carried Maki and Yuji carried Tamiko. "About time you crash the party." Tamiko chuckles. Yuji sadly smiles at her. Her hands were serverly busted. 

Panda came out of nowhere and was given Maki by Todo. "You need to go somewhere safe." Yuji told Tamiko. Being stubborn, she shook her head. "No, I still have one more trick up my sleeve." Yuji knew what she was implying. "Tamiko, listen to me." Yuji said sternly. Tamiko kept quiet and saw the worry yet stern look he had on his face. "Watch over the others. I need you safe." Tamiko felt her heart flutter, seeing how much Yuji cared for her. She bit her lip in distraught and nodded. "Okay..." she breathes out. Yuji hands her over to Panda after Megumi was grabbed. "If you die, I will never forgive you!" Tamiko shouts. "Pandash!" Panda shouts and the four left. 

- Aya POV -

"Love...it makes you feel wonders." Carmine giggles behind my shoulder. "Indeed. How annoying." I clicked my tongue. "Don't be like that sister. You felt like this twice." Carmine hums as she travels to my other shoulder. "Don't you miss it? Don't you miss the passion?" She asks. I wave her off as I rolled my eyes. "Who are you to talk? You're definition of love is cannibalisim." I scoff. "That may be true, but..." She traveled to the walls. "You and I are forever together. I know what you think. I know what you feel. I know that you're jealous of this vessel." Carmine chuckles. "Jealous? What nonesense are you spatting?" I deny. "Don't be a fool, Aya. You miss the feeling of someone looking out for you. Taking care of you. Caring for you. You miss it all. Rather that was with Itoshi or Sukuna, I know you missed the times when things were simple." Carmine then fell back asleep. I sat there in silence. 

"No matter what they say, I still see the beauty in you. You have a heart of caring person not a monster." 

"You doubt me, Princess? I'm the strongest curse there is. There's no chance that I would let anything happen to you."

I sighed heavily and placed my hand over my stomach. "If only you were alive back then...things would've changed, my forever angel." I mutter. 


- Tamiko POV -

"THEY DID WHAT?!" I yelled. "Calm down, Tamiko, you're still recovering." Kugisaki said as she tried to hold me down. "How can I calm down when some b*tch a** curse disfigures my mother's and her clan's graves?! I'll kill them!" I shout in anger. Megumi came over and pushes me down. "Calm down. We will fix their resting place soon enough." He said to me. I frown and clench my fist. I felt Yuji's hand on mine and makes me open it. I bit the inside of my cheek and tried to hold back tears. I've never visited mom's grave, but for someone or something to disturbe her resting place...I can't help but feel pissed! I lifted my head as I felt a larger hand on my head. I looked up and saw it was Gojo. He had a darker expression despite wearing the blindfold. I let go of Yuji's hand and stood up in front of Gojo. I then place my head against his chest and hugged him. "Dad...I here." I mutter. He hugs me back and a bit tighter than I would've liked, but I let him be. I'm the closest thing you have to mom and you're the only family I have. I won't let you be alone...I still have time left with you.

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