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"You should go back, Tamiko." Dad said as I floated next to him. "I'll be fine. This is what being a sorcerer is, right?" I ask as I put my hands in my pockets. "Besides...I'm not dying tonight. They are." I said as I looked down and the three curses. We got down and stood in front of them. 

Of course, they attacked Dad but when he scoffed at them, they went for me too. I raised a brow as I used the air to set a barrier. It's kinda like dad's infinity. It took some training to perfect it like his thanks to Todo and Yuji. After a moment, Dad and I jumped away and looked down at them. "Tamiko, rescue as many people as you can." Dad told me before jumping down to fight. I nodded and manipulated the ground. I then created dirt people. "All of you, gather into a group and follow these soldiers! They will lead you all out of Shibuya!" I shout. Slowly, but surely they began to leave towards safety. However...My eyes widen as four people died in front of me. Blood manipulation? I glared at the male who was going back and forth between me and Dad. I touched two pieces of metal and made them into swords. "Keep evacuating! Risk your place if you have to! Another will replace you!" I ordered the soldiers. This will probably drain most of my curse energy, but I have to keep focus!  "Focus on me, a**hole!" I shout as I tried to cut his arm. He backs away and clicked his tongue. I continued to fight against him, but he kept using people to use his technique. 

I froze as the lights turned off and I looked over to where Dad was. My eyes widen as he killed the plant curse. The volcano guy came up top with me and tried to attack me. I used the air to protect me and to touch his flames. I smirked as I grabbed his head. "I can see why you like to use this so much!" I said as I began to set him on fire. The red flames then turned blue as I turned up the heat. "Though I can do it better.~" I hummed. Though his other buddy distracted me as he tried to hit me. I threw volcano guy away and then I felt Dad grab me. I clicked my tongue as I had to let go of evacuating people. "You did plenty." Dad hums. I nodded as I tried to regain my strength. Suddenly, the train announcements came on and a train came up. "The hell?" I mutter. My eyes widen as I saw transfigured humans. He's here! I brought up the fire again as I still had small sparks of it left. I stood still and I glared as he tried to hit Dad. "Oh and look! The tiny Gojo is here too!" Mahito chuckles. I then turned to look at the ceiling and saw more civilians fall through. "Dammit!" I shout in anger. All to clear the room for Dad and for what?! Dad and I then got attacked from all sides. "Tamiko...I'm going to do something crazy. Do you think you can keep up?" Dad asks. I knew what he meant. "Do you have to ask?" I let go of everything and took in a few deep breaths. "Domain expansion: Infinite Void." Once the domain was set, I began to race around and kill the transfigured humans. 

Once it was over, I began to breathe heavily to catch my breath. That air felt sharp as it felt like it was stabbing my lungs. I never want to do that again... I thought as I shut my eyes for a moment. "D-Da-." I froze as a giant eye looked at me. "Hey, Satoru." My eyes shifted to the man that stood behind the eyeball thing. "TAMIKO!" Dad pushed me out the way and the thing caught him. "Dad!" I shout as I looked back at him. "Stay down, Tamiko!" Dad shouts back. I froze and looked at the man as the two conversant. Stitches? "It's him." Aya growls. "Kenjaku." I spoke out loud. The man looked at me and smiles. "Smart girl aren't you? Have you been doing your homework or did that woman tell you?" Kenjaku asks. "That woman has a name and she wants to eat that brain of yours whole, b*tch!" I grunted as I stood up. I was about to attack until I felt something go through my stomach. "I'll make sure to bring your body back to, Itadori. All twisted and broken." I glared at Mahito. "I'll send you to hell before that!" I cried out as he went deeper and lower in my stomach. I then screamed as the pain began to feel unbearable. Mahito then backed away and clenched his chest. The scream I let out seemed new and...different. I wanted to think, but I felt so tired. I fell forward and I looked at Dad. He was crying before the box thing closed him in. My eyes then shifted to my wedding ring. "Y-Yuji...I love you..." I cried before my eyes shut. 

- NO POV -

"Ah, where's the kid?" Mahito asks as he didn't see Tamiko's body where she had 'died'. He then felt his arms get ripped off and was thrown to the other side. "You taste worse than before!" Carmine growls. She wasn't in control of Tamiko, however. Aya stood in front of Kenjaku and glared at him. "You'll die tonight, Kenjaku. Mark my words." Aya hissed as she formed a blade into her hand. "My, you still have a grudge against me?" Kenjaku asks though he sounded as if he didn't care. "You killed my first love! You made them all blame me and my sister! You're the reason my family were slaughtered like sheep!" Aya growls as she went to attack him. Kenjaku dodged and held a cocky grin on his face. Carmine jumped on his back, only for him to grab her and toss her aside. Aya managed to grab Kenjaku and flip him on the ground. Jogo and Choso took a step forward to help, but Carmine grabbed Choso's neck and Jogo's head. "Move and I'll pop your delicious heads off. Just enjoy the show.~" Carmine giggles before jumping back into the fight. Aya swung her sword but Kenjaku just used curses or civilians for her to cut through. "Such a barbaric woman. No wonder they called you the Battle Angel." Kenjaku laughs before pinning her down. Carmine tried to attack but he caught her too. "However, it seems like you gotten slower. The two of you. Wouldn't it be nice to have a body that you two can be free in and not be cooped up? I'm trying to do the same for your husband. To free him from that vessel." Aya dug her nails into his arm. "I will never work along side you after what you did to me." Aya spat. "Not even to save your sister's life?" Kenjaku asks. "A-Aya..." Aya turned her head to see a black candle. "Y-You wouldn't dare!" Aya shouts. Kenjaku smiles before muttering ancient words towards the candle. "A-Aya! Aya!" Carmine cried as she began to get sucked into the candle. "CARMINE!" Aya cried out as she grabbed her hand. 

"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry for being such a curse to you sister!" Carmine cried. "You're not a curse, Carmine. I don't blame you." Aya says as she stares outside. Carmine sat behind her and hugged her knees. "We're sisters. Even greater...we are twins. We live and die together." Aya stood up as the lanterns began to light up. "I love you, Carmine. Nothing will separate us...not even death. In our next life, we'll still be twins. You are forever with me and I am forever with you." Aya said.

"NO! AYA, PLEASE! DON'T LET ME GO! I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE!" Carmine cries as Aya's grip began to slip. Aya's eyes widen as her hand slipped from Carmine's. "AYA!!" Carmine yells before she was gone inside the candle. 

Aya froze as she stared wide eye at the black candle that stayed lit. "Did you know this candle were only made in three?" Kenjaku picked up the candle and gently stored it into a lantern. "It was made to absorb negative energy such as demons, curses, spirits and phantoms. It does take some time for the candle to completely melt, but by blowing out the flame." Kenjaku smirks and closes the lanterns door. "That negative energy will be reborn into something else. Like how curses die and get reborn into other curses. Though, they do not remember their previous life." Kenjaku grabs Aya's chin. "If you want your sister back then you do as I say. What do you say, Ryomen Aya?"

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