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Tamiko and I kept dodging the curse's attacks. I watched Tamiko do a backflip to avoid the blood spat that the curse used to hit us. "Yuji!" She shouts as she sent arrows to distract the curse. I quickly ran towards the curse and kicked him across the face. However, that didn't stop him from attacking. I tackled him for a moment before kicking him again. I then began to continuously punch him back and forth. "Tamiko, now!" I shout. I felt the ground shake and heard her grunt from behind. She formed a hand that was made of dirt and rocks. Before she had the chance to grab the curse, it ran away after Kugisaki was taken outside of the domain. "Dammit!" Tamiko shouts as she lets the hold of the dirt hand go. I turned to make sure she was alright and saw her wipe the blood under her nose. This move was still new to her so she did have a bit of backlash. "I'm fine. C'mon!" She says as we start running to Fushiguro. "Yuji, go after that thing and help Nobara! I'll help Megumi with this!" Tamiko says. "Okay, but if things get too dangerous then get out of here." I said to them. Tamiko nods and Fushiguro waves me off. 

- Tamiko POV -

"Die!" I shout as I sent spikes through the holes the little mole spirits came out from. I caught up with Megumi and saw he took down the last one. However...My eyes widen as I saw a curse that looked similar to the one at the Detention center. "Awe, hell. Not this again." I grunt and got ready to fight. "Megumi!" I shout as it sent an attack. His blade just broke! I shielded myself from the second attack that went towards me, but it even broke through that. "Sh*t this one is stronger!" I cursed as I ran away from it before it could attack me from behind. "Coward!" I shout as I glared at it. I tried to send an attack, but it appeared in front of me in such speed. I spat out blood as it punched my stomach. I hissed as my back hit the wall. Megumi was hit next and landed next to me. "M-Megumi..." I gritted my teeth as I tried to stand again. I heard Megumi mutter a few words which scared the curse a bit. "I'll protect you, Tamiko." Megumi said. I looked at him and saw how serious he looked. I think he hit his head a bit too hard. I thought as Megumi looked crazy. 

Megumi successfully exorcised the curse. I managed to get to him and I gently patted his head. "Thank you for protecting me, Megumi." I hum as I lay him on my lap."Rest. I'll protect you now." I hum as I run my fingers through his hair. 

- Aya POV -

"My, my, isn't he so interesting, sister?" Carmine asks while giggling. "Indeed. Sukuna must be very pleased since he found this sorcerer so interesting." I hum as I rest my head on my palm. 

- Yuji POV -

"F-Fushiguro?! T-Tamiko?!" Me and Kugisaki shout in worry. Tamiko and Fushiguro woke up once they heard us. "Oh, you're back." Fushiguro says as he sat up. Tamiko was still half-asleep while sitting up. "I-I was so scared! I thought you two were dead! Thank goodness!" I said in unison again with Kugisaki. "Not so loud..." Tamiko groans as she leans on Fushiguro. "Don't go to sleep with Sukuna's finger in your hand. That's dangerous." Kugisaki warns. "How do you know about the finger?" Fushiguro asks. I went over to pick up Tamiko. Despite her being a bit taller than me, I still have the strength to carry her on my back. "Should I eat it?" I ask. "It's not leftover." Kugisaki frowns. Though Fushiguro told me not to since we aren't sure how many I can handle. However, Sukuna made a mouth on my hand and ate the finger when I tried to grab it. "Did you forget that he can make mouths?" Tamiko grumbles. "Tamiko, don't be mad at me too!" I whine. "Let's hurry before it's time for Carmine's dinner." She mumbles. I nodded and we hurried to Nitta-San. 


- Tamiko POV -

I stood on top of the tallest building that the school had. I looked off into the sunset and took in a breathe of fresh air. I jumped on the air to help me launch high in the sky. I slowly shifted myself to lay back. "No matter how far you are..." I reach my hand out to the sky. "I'll always love you." I let myself free fall for a moment before spinning around. I used the air to jump around and I found Yuji. "Yuji!" I smiled as I safely landed in his arms. "Tamiko." He softly smiles. He spun my around for a moment and it felt as if the world slowdown. I admired his handsome face before leaning to kiss him. Yuji kissed me back and our lips moved in sync. I blushed once we separated and even more when he continued to carry me. 

"(Y/n), wait!" I looked back at Yuji. "What?" I ask as I stopped my footing. "There's a big puddle. You have new shoes so I can't let you get them wet." He huffs. I yelped in surprise as he began to carry me in his arms. "Y-Yuji!" I yelped in surprise. "I'll protect you, (Y/n)! I'll do anything to keep you safe!" He says despite him struggling a bit as he walked over the puddle. I blushed and tugged a bit on his shirt. "Thank you, Yuji." I hum as I kissed his cheek. He then froze and almost dropped me. 

I giggled at the memory. "What's so funny?" Yuji asks. "Nothing. Just thinking of old times." I reply. He looks at me for a moment before smiling a bit. "Tamiko, can I ask you something?" Yuji asks. "Of course. You can always ask me anything." I said. It took him a moment to reply and I got curious when he stopped walking and put me down. My eyes widen as he got down on one knee. "Yuji...what are you doing?" I ask as I was getting freaked out a bit. He grabbed my hand and pulled a ring out of his pocket. "Ama- err Gojo Tamiko, I have been your friend since we were three. I have stayed by your side and I plan to keep being there with you, even beyond death. I love you and I'll always will. Cursed or not, I still love you. I'm afraid that one day will be our last and I don't want to just stay as friends or even boyfriend and girlfriend. I want us to be more than that. I want us to be bonded for life. So, if you're ready...will you marry me?" Yuji asks. I was already crying waterfalls. "You dummy!" I cried before jumping on him. "Of course, I will marry you." I sniffled as I looked at him. He put the ring on my finger and I began to kiss him again.

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