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"Woo! Baseball! Someone's team is about to get their a**es handed to them!" Tamiko cockily smirks. "You are truly a Gojo. So cocky." Mai frowns. Tamiko stuck her tongue out at Mai and went back to celebrating victory early. "Ah, Tamiko was always great at baseball and softball. In fact, she's great at a lot of things." Yuji says out loud. "There was one time that she broke a bat while making a homerun." Yuji chuckles. "It was metal too..." He nervously adds. "Ah, damn." Most of Kyoto students mutter. 


"I'll avenge you, Maki!" Tamiko shouts as she got on the field. "Maybe I'll take you down easy since you're all virgins against me." Tamiko smirks. She did a small trick with her bat to show how talented she is. "But I'll rock your world.~" She adds. "That's some dirty talk." Yuji says. Megumi took Tamiko's words in a different way. "Has she-?" Megumi tried to ask the question. "No. She just talks dirty." Yuji replies. 

"GO TO HELL!!" Tamiko yells as she swung the bat. She dropped the bat as soon as it made contact. Momo dodged the ball since she didn't want her hand to come off. "I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real Shady! All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating! So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up! Please stand up, please stand up?!~" Tamiko sang and did a little victory dance. Nothing like Tamiko-San. Some of them thought as they watched Tamiko and Gojo dance together like idiots. 

~ After Yuji's homerun ~

"Yeah! Let's go, Yuji!" Tamiko cheers as she jumps on his back. Yuji smiles and held her legs properly. Tamiko smiles and wraps her arms over his shoulders. "This reminds me back in middle school." She hums. Yuji smiles back at her and nods. "The teachers yelled at you for cursing when you hit the ball." Yuji chuckles. "Ah, good times." Tamiko sighs happily. She then jumps down as she saw Megumi. "Megumi! You should've hit the ball harder! I bet you could've made a homerun too!" Tamiko frowns as she wraps her around his neck and brings him close. "Don't you agree, Yuji?" Tamiko then does the same to Yuji. Both males blush as they were smushed against her breasts. This is weird. Megumi thought. They do feel like pillows. Yuji thought. "People normally turn blue when losing oxygen, not red, guys!" Kugisaki teases. "Hmm?" Tamiko hums in confusion. Both males push themselves off of her and move on. "S-Shut up, Kugisaki!" They reply. 


Everyone gather together and dressed formally to visit the distressed grave site. Tamiko never thought to see such a thing. It almost looked abandoned if it weren't for some of the standing gravestones that looked clean. Tamiko stopped as she felt something crunch under her foot. She stepped off and saw it was a dead rose. She picked it up and sadden upon the state of it. "Nothing likes to grow. It's been a strange anomaly that we can't fingure out. We've done our best to make it nice for your mother." Principal Yaga said. Tamiko nodded but crushed the wilted rose. The petals flew out of her hand. 

They all stopped in front of Tamiko-San's grave. Hers was more defaced then the rest. It broke Tamiko's and Gojo's heart to see such a thing. "I didn't know my mother like the rest of you. From what you've told me...she was nice, caring, loving, and all around...an angel. When I turned twelve, I found out that the people who adopted me were not who I thought they were. They were sorcerers like you, but that didn't change anything. They loved and cared for me. Raised me as if I was their own flesh and blood. It was hard to face the fact that my own mother abandoned me and that I knew nothing of who my actual father was. I began to wonder if I looked my mother or father. Did they even love me? Did they care that I was a vessel for something dangerous. Did they ever think about me? Did they ever regret that they gave me up? Did they still love each other?" Tamiko says as she touches the stone. She formed the gravestone back together as if it were new. Gojo placed the flowers down. "I knew my mother was trying to protect everyone in case her worse fear came true, but it still hurts that I never got to see her. I never got to hear her heartbeat." Tamiko said. 

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