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~ Year: 2018 ~

-Yuji POV -

"Man, Yuji, you're so lucky to hang out with Ama-chan all the time." One of my classmates said. Ama Tamiko, she has been my friend since childhood and now...she's my biggest crush. Though, I don't think I can bring myself to confess to her after all this time. Of course, a lot of guys at our school fall head over heels for her. Disturbingly, she attracts our male teachers too. She's that good looking. She's the tallest girl I have ever seen, she has big beautiful blue eyes, long soft white hair, long prominent white lashes, a big butt, and a huge rack. U-Uh, I mean she has a beautiful smile! Her smile is to die for. And yeah, I am lucky to always hang out with her because I'm the only guy she hangs around with. 

"You're different from the other guys, Yuji. That's why I like to hang with you." Is what she told me when I asked her why.

"I feel like she's doing this on purpose." My classmate said as he looked into Tamiko's classroom. My eyes widen seeing her underwear peek out from under her skirt. I quickly rush over to her and wrap my extra jacket around her waist. "Oh, hey, Yuji." She hums as she smiles at me. I blush at her smile as it always made me feel warm inside. "H-Hey." I reply. I quickly clear my throat and spoke again. "Why is your skirt so short?" I ask. "Huh? Why are you looking there, pervert?~" She smirks as she trails her finger all the way up to my chin. "I-I-I...It's not what you think!" I blush. She giggles before patting my head. "Kidding. I know those other perverts were looking. Glad to know I have a sweet protector like you." She hums. I smile at her. She suddenly turned her head to nothing. I was going to ask her what was wrong, but she spoke first. "Anyway, we're going to visit your grandpa, right?" She asks as we started walking out in the hallway. "Yeah. But I have to go to my club first. Are you going to join us?" I ask her. "You know I don't mess with that stuff. I've seen plenty of horror movies to know that it's a fucking bad idea to mess with ghosts and spirits." She frowns. I chuckle a bit. "Plus, I have to go sing for a bit with the band. I'll meet you outside afterwards." She hums. "Yeah, see you later." I smile at her. She smiles before turning to the other direction. I just realized that she still had my extra jacket around her waist. Another one gone for the month. I sigh a bit before going to my club.


- Megumi POV -

As I was searching for the curse object, I found a curse living in a field. I ignored it since it was only there because it was attracted by the curse object. "I have a dream I hope will come true. That you're here with me and I am here with you. I wish that the earth, sea, and the sky up above-a. Will send me someone to lava.~" I heard a girl sing. I looked at her as she sat by herself on some stairs. I paused in awe as she looked..."O-Oh shit! I didn't see you there." She says to me as she quickly stood up. She's tall. "Are you from around here?" She asks as she walks closer to me. I then felt overwhelmed with the sense power and unnerving aura of death that was emmiting by a familiar curse that I used to see. "I'm new." I said as I kept calm. "Really? I'm surprised no girls have talked about you. You're a cute guy." She smiles at me. I slightly blush at her. "Thank you." I reply. "Oh, my name is Ama Tamiko. Nice to meet you." She hums. My eyes widen at the name. 

"Megumi-Kun!~ I have someone you should meet!" Megumi frown hearing the annoying male with white hair. "This is my wife, Gojo Tamiko." Gojo smiles as he held Tamiko close. Tamiko smiled at Megumi as she went to greet him. Megumi saw how tired she looked. He wanted to make a snarky remark about Gojo tiring her out, but decided against it. 

When Tamiko visited him, she was kind and gentle even with his sister. "Megumi, I have a secret that I need you to keep and tell no one else." She said suddenly while they were cuddling. "Ok?" he asks as he looks up at her. "I have a baby that's the same age as you, but she's not with me and Gojo. She's somewhere out there. If you find her, could you bring her back to Satoru? I bet he will be so happy and not be alone as much anymore." She smiles with tears in her eyes. "Promise me that you'll find Tamiko." Megumi was confused on why her child had the same name as her until he found out three years later.

Megumi sadly looked down at the grave that was built for Tamiko. He wished he said goodbye to her before she left, but there was nothing he could do. All he could do was miss her gentle touch, her beautiful singing, and the motherly love she gave him and his sister. He looked up at Gojo to see how restless he looked. How his eyes were red and puffy. He looked like he was slowly falling apart. 

I promise.

"Crap, I'm suppose to leave already!" Tamiko frowns as she looks at her phone. "Here." She began to write her number on my hand. "Text me sometime, pretty boy." Tamiko winks before running off. "She definitely looks like him." I sigh.


- Tamiko POV -

"And when will you marry Tamiko?! She's a rare gem that you don't find very often!" Yuji's grandpa shouts. "G-Grandpa! We're not like that! We're just friends." Yuji grumbles. "No, you stay as friends because you're scared. Say something before someone else takes her." Yuji's grandpa says. To be honest, I do like Yuji more than a friend. Though, I don't think my heart is ready. It's been 3 months since my parents died. It hurt a lot when I lost them and even now when I try to look at the bright side of things. The thought of losing the people I love in a blink of an eye scares me terribly and I don't want to lose Yuji.

"I'm here!" I smile as I enter the room. "How are you feeling, Uncle?" I ask Yuji's grandpa. "Tired." He replies. "Same." I reply in the same tone. I look at Yuji and giggle a bit. I walk over to him and helped him the flowers he got for the nurses that took care of his grandpa. "Ooo~ These look pretty." I hum as I grab his hands and lifted the flowers up so I can smell them. I saw a hint of blush on his face. His hands felt warm and soft. "Tamiko, could you leave us alone for a moment?" Yuji's grandpa ask. "But I just got here." I whine. I then sigh and went to go grab me and Yuji some drinks. 


I sigh heavily and look at my reflection through the window. Could I like Yuji in that way? I then heard nurses rush in the hallway and I froze seeing they went to Yuji's grandpa's room. "Yuji?! Uncle?!" I call out in worry. 


- NO POV -

"I'll have to laugh while I burn him up." Yuji says as it hasn't sunk in yet that the fact he just lost the only family he had. Tamiko punches his head. "Idiot, how could you say that?" She frowns. Yuji looks at her and saddens a bit. Her eyes were a bit red and her nose was too. She had been crying ever since she they took Yuji's grandpa away to the morgue. She too lost a person who felt like family to her that night. "I'm going to the nursery to see some cute babies to make myself feel better." Tamiko sighs sadly as she walks away. "Oh, okay." Yuji replies. Should I have comforted her? Should I invite her over? No...she would probably refuse. Tamiko didn't like visiting me when it was night. I found it weird at first, but got used to it as time went by. 

"Itadori Yuji, right?" I look over to see a guy I have never met before.

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