Pedri - Maybe

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"Who is she?" I ask Gavi, looking just as bewildered as I am.

"Who? Peaches?" He replies, nodding to the brown-haired girl hanging onto Pedri's arm.

"Peaches? Please tell me you're joking," I reply, barely holding in my laugh.

"That's just what everyone calls her. No clue if that's her real name, I've only spoken to her once."

"Care to make that twice?" I ask, already pulling him in their direction.

"Be careful y/n, your jealousy is starting to show."

I don't know if I would go as far as to call it jealousy, but I can't say I'm happy about any of it. He isn't mine...we were never a couple, I know that. But I never imagined that what we had was nothing.

Tonight, I assumed it would be just like every other team dinner. Me going as Gavi and Pedri's plus one, because they hate leaving me out of the fun events. But tonight, only one came to pick me up, the wrong one.

Over the last few months, the friendship that Pedri and I shared came crashing down, just to be replaced by the type of love a girl can only dream of. Every second of every day was spent with each other, especially with the amount of time off he had from his injury. Everyone started to see what was forming between us, everyone but him apparently.

"Hi Peach," Gavi says, pulling her into a hug.

"Oh Gavi!" Her high-pitch screech deafens me as she jumps into his arms. "Don't you clean up well," she goes on, tugging at his black suit blazer.

My eyes shift to Pedri who hasn't even noticed me right in front of him. His eyes are all over her.

"And who are you?"

Who am I? Who are you?

"This is y/n, a very good friend of ours," Gavi replies, as I try to regain my calm.

"Y/n, strange I haven't seen you around before."

"That is strange. I'm usually at every game." I force a smile. "I think its even more strange that-"

I feel a tug at the fabric of my dress, draped around my back. A subtle warning from Gavi.

"We haven't hung out before," I change the direction of my words. "The girls around here are pretty close, we should grab some wine and chat with them before you leave."

Even my fakest smile seems to be working. She smiles back, saying that she'd love to meet everyone else. Strange. At first it sounded like she's known them all long before I did.

"Well, you two enjoy your evening. This one owes me a drink after the way he drove here," I say, clutching onto Gavi's arm. Pedri notices me for the first time, only now allowing himself to look in my direction. One second of looking into his eyes and I already feel tears starting to form.

We walk away from the pair, almost sprinting to the bar.

"What wine do you have?" Gavi asks the bartender, trying to order my usual.

"I'll actually just have tequila, neat. Thank you," I cut in and the bartender pours out a shot.

"Maybe you want to slow things down," Gavi suggests, sitting down next to me.

"Did I really get it that wrong?" tears welling in my eyes, warranting a concerned look and rub on the shoulder.

"Look y/n, I don't know what was happening between the two of you before all of this, but no. I honestly thought you two were secretly dating this whole time, well until today," he replies.

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