Pedri - With You Part 2

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I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. It felt like I could hardly breathe. I was feeling every emotion at once but nothing at the same time.

Tears fell immediately, both mine and Pedri's. Neither of us knew how to react. The hours that followed the news were filled with lots of tears, screaming and anxious rants of disbelief.

How could we be parents? How could we have a child? We were basically still children ourselves.

"Wait," Pedri says suddenly. We're both sitting on the bathroom floor, wrapped in each other's arms, noses red and eyes puffy.

"What?" I ask, moving out of his grasp to look at him.

"We're overreacting. Don't you think?" He replies, sitting up next to me.

"Overreacting? I have a baby growing inside of me and you think I'm overreacting?" I question in anger.

"No, that's not what I mean babe."

He lifts his hand to my face to wipe the fallen tears away.

"I'm just saying, these tests aren't accurate. It could be a false positive."

These tests are pretty old. Maybe they did malfunction somehow. We could be thinking rationally, or we're being overly optimistic. I let myself fully believe the calming idea of a false positive, over the anxiety of having a baby before twenty.

"Yeah, you're right. Nothing is certain," I reply, wiping away the last of the tears.

"Tomorrow we'll go to the doctor and find out for sure."

The next day...

The night was surprisingly calm. I didn't even think about what could be. We went about the rest of our day like we usually would. I told Emily that the test was inconclusive but assured her there was nothing to be worried about. 'I'm feeling better already.'

"This wouldn't be the worst thing in the world," Pedri says, breaking the silence on the way to the doctor.

After all of the pretending yesterday, the worry is probably starting to show on my face.

"I know that we aren't exactly ready for children, but I love you. And I love the idea of starting a family with you. It's a bit soon, but I can't help but see this as a good thing," he adds when I don't reply to his first comment.

I smile at him, grateful that I have a man like him by my side through something like this. But it's hard for me to pretend to see things the same way that he does.

The wait for the ultrasound tech felt like an eternity. Pedri examined the room we were in, carefully studying the charts and diagrams on the wall. Almost like he's preparing for a baby.

"Good morning. Sorry to keep you waiting," a lady says opening the door. "Okay, we'll try to keep this quick."

And quick she was. It felt like time was frozen for the last twelve hours, but I just needed one more minute of not knowing.

"Congratulations mom and dad," she says.

It felt like my heart stopped beating at that moment.


It can't be.

I can't be a mom. Suddenly everything that I thought my life would be, has now changed drastically. Will I ever graduate now? How can I survive a pregnancy and labour? Will I even be a good mom?

I felt a hand on my shoulder, the only comfort I need right now. I look up at Pedri with worried eyes. He's so good at pretending that everything is okay. I want to feel at ease by his calm demeanour, but I can see just how scared he is.

She turns the screen to face us, pointing out the tiny heartbeat on the monitor. As much as I feel a bit of joy from seeing what could be ours, I can't help but feel even more scared. Such a tiny little being, how do we take care of you?

The car ride back home was quiet. Both of us too scared to speak. Before, it felt like Pedri knew what he was doing. I felt safe knowing he was by my side. But seeing the fear in his eyes, I know that he might be having second thoughts.

He places his hand on top of mine, almost reading my mind. I stay with my head resting against the window, taking in the view of everything around us.

"I know that this is hard and definitely not what we expected," he begins to say. "But I just want to put it out there, that I stand by you. My life with you has been better than I ever could have imagined. If you want to go through with this and have her, I am more than ready to be a father. But if you don't, I'm still going to be here. I'll always choose you."

"Her?" I question. "You think it's a girl?"

"Uh, well, I don't know," he replies hesitantly. "It's just that every time I thought about having kids, I always pictured myself having a daughter."

His words bring a smile to my face. A genuine one. He's thought about this before.

"Let's do this," I say out of nowhere.

"What?" he asks confused.

"Let's have a baby."

Part 3?

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