Gavi - Love Of My Life Part 1

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I woke up full of nerves, terrified for the day ahead. My boyfriend of six months, Pedri has decided that he wants me to meet the rest of the team. We kept our relationship very private; he didn’t even tell his teammates about me until recently.  I’d been for a few games, but we always made sure to avoid each other and not make a mistake in front of so many cameras.

Today they have morning training and he thought this would be the perfect time for me to meet everyone. I was always a Barcelona fan, so I’m more nervous over the idea of meeting players that I’d been watching for years.

I quickly got changed after my shower, throwing on a white floral sundress, now that summer was around the corner.  Pedri would be here in a few minutes to pick me up, so I grabbed my things and made my way out of my room to wait for him.

The drive to the training grounds is peacefully quiet.  We had the windows opened slightly, letting the cool breeze cut the warm sun rays falling on us.  Pedri had his playlist on in the background and his hand on my leg as he drove.

When we got there, he introduced me to Xavi, who was pulling into the parking lot at the same time.  Just as we were about to walk in, Frenkie and his girlfriend Mikkey came up behind and joined us.

At first, I was scared to meet the other girlfriends.  They’d all known each other for years and I was the new girl joining them.  I wanted to make a good first impression with them more than the players.  Luckily for me, Mikkey was so sweet.  She offered to sit with me while we watch and made me feel so comfortable. 

The two of us went to go and sit in the stands while Frenkie and Pedri went to go and change.  We spent a few minutes talking, but were soon interrupted by a group of them walking up to the grounds.

“Amor come down, let me introduce you,” Pedri said as he made his way to me.

I walked onto the grounds to him and was met by a crowd of familiar faces. 

“Everyone, this is my girlfriend y/n.  Y/n, you already know the guys.”

One by one, they each gave me a hug and personally introduced themselves. Jordi Alba was the first to make conversation with me, asking if Pedri was treating me right.  I instantly felt comfortable around them all, even though it was scary speaking to players that I used to watch when I was a kid.

After a few minutes, they all needed to start warming up for the day and some of them left to begin.  Just as Pedri was about to leave as well, another player jogs up to the two of us.

“You’re late today,” Pedri says, as he puts an arm around his shoulder.

“Yeah, I forgot training was early today,” Gavi says as he wipes the drowsiness from his eyes.

“This y/n, you would have had a chance to actually speak to her if you came on time,” Pedri says playfully pushing Gavi.

“Y/n,” Gavi says with a confused look on his face as he holds out a hand.  I go to shake his hand as he begins to speak again, “Have we met before?”

“Uh, no. I don’t think so.  This is my first-time meeting everyone,” I reply with a smile.

“Are you sure?”

And suddenly I’m not.  He looked familiar to me for obvious reasons, but after a brief exchange of words I feel like we have met before. I don’t reply to him as my own confusion begins to grow.

“Okay, lets go before Xavi makes us do extra laps.” Pedri says as he pulls Gavi away from me.  “Have fun with Mikkey,” he says kissing the top of my head, “call me over if you need me.”

Both of them made their way to the rest of the team, while I slowly climbed the stairs back to Mikkey.  I was finding it hard to focus on talking to her, the constant thought of Gavi plagued my mind.  Pedri spoke about him all the time, but I suddenly feel like I know him some other way.

As practice neared the end, Mikkey and I began to walk onto the grounds to meet up with the boys.  Pedri suggested that we go out for lunch with Gavi, Frenkie and Mikkey.  The happy couple unfortunately had plans, which left the three of us.

Pedri drove all three of us to this restaurant nearby that we’ve been dying to try.  We opted for outdoor seating so that we can enjoy the nice weather.  Pedri sat next to me, while Gavi sat opposite him on the other side of the table.

We made light conversation, but the cloud of confusion was hanging heavy on me.  Gavi and I both struggled to talk to each other without Pedri facilitating the conversation, simply because we were too focused on figuring out how we know each other.

I decided to leave the confusion behind me and tried speaking to Gavi normally.  We then realized that both of us are from Seville and even lived in the same neighbourhood.  I figured we must’ve seen each other growing up, that’s why it felt like I knew him.

As our food arrived, Gavi became quiet, barely responding to either of us. 

“Why are you so quiet suddenly?” Pedri asks.

“This is killing me. I know you. I don’t know how I know you, but I know that I do.” He says looking at me.

“Really? You’re still doing this. Lets just enjoy the day and you can get back to thinking later.” Pedri replies.

“Yeah, fine.” Gavi says.

We continue to eat, mostly in silence.  Pedri was asking me if I got along well with Mikkey, when suddenly Gavi drops his fork onto his plate. The sudden noise causes Pedri and I jump in our seats.

“Y/n!” Gavi shouts.

“Yes?” I reply looking at Pedri in confusion, who laughs at Gavi’s sudden outburst.

“You went to a science camp in Seville like nine years ago, right?” Gavi asks.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” I ask looking back at him in confusion. 

He tilts his head in my direction, with a smile growing on face. It was then that it suddenly hit me.  We went to camp together.  We were best friends there, more actually. 

I put my fork down quietly, as my hands go to cover my mouth in shock.  “Pablo?” I ask, and his smile grows even more.

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