Something To Remind You - Chp. 19

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In the last chapter...

I remember everything now. How we met, how he'd take care of me when I had nightmares and forced me to eat something, how we drove to grab something to eat and he parked the car. How he confessed that he loves me and how the truck hit before I could tell him that I feel the same.

Michael Gordon Clifford is in love with me. And he thinks I don't know him anymore.

I have to see him.

I rush over to the living room, where Caroline is sitting and talking to somebody. 

I recognize that voice. Walking up behind her, I see a familiar face through her laptop screen.

"Hey, Calum." I say as if it was the most normal thing and they both look at me in shock. 

"Jade?" Caroline finally manages to ask and then she mumbles something inaudible.

"I need to talk to you."

"Sure, uh, honey I will call you back soon" she says facing toward the webcam and then quickly ends the call with Calum still speechless on the other line.

I sit down next to her and take a deep breath before I tell her about what happened in that parked car. I tell her what Michael said and that I didn't get the chance to tell him about my feelings, which matched with his. 

After I finish, she hugs me and then looks at me. 

"We have to fix this. You're basically made for each other and the only thing that can stop us now is that we probably don't have enough money in our wallet to fly to Sydney. But I swear, I'll find a way to get us there and you will talk to Michael in person and then everything will be okay."

"How do I deserve you?" I sigh and smile a little.

Back in my room, I settle down on my bed, looking around the room. There are pictures on the wall with people in them that I didn't remember, but now I do. I see one picture in particular that makes me want to rip my brain out.

It's Debby and me. I guess it was good that I didn't remember at first that she had killed herself, it was a blissfull illusion that my mind created to keep me sane for just a little while. But now, I'm starting to relive every single moment that was locked away from me.

And yet, I always catch my thoughts rolling back to Michael. 

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