"Teenage" Memories - Chp. 5

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Has anyone ever tried to move in on just one day? Because it's nearly impossible. Nearly.

Laura and me had gone out to buy food and drinks. Meanwhile Caroline would be getting our stuff out of the removal van and into our rooms. We had drawn straws to decide who'd have to do what, because carrying all our furniture and cartons up there sure wouldn't be much fun.

When we returned, the door was wide open and we could get in easily. We heard something fall onto the floor and Caroline cussed. I accidentally shut the door a bit too loud and she suddenly yelled: "Who the fuck is there? Get out of my apartment or I'll beat you 'till you wake up with amnesia!"

Then she came around the corner with a big pan and finally recognized us. "No shit Sherlock", I said with an amused undertone. "Very ladylike" Laura added.

She stared at us, a little embarrassed about what just happened but then joined in on laughing. If anyone saw us right now, they'd assume we're crazy, because we looked like clapping seals, but I didn't care.

"By the way, Caroline... what was that sound? Did you drop something?" I asked curiously. "Oh.. I-it was nothing.. okay.. yeah, you're gonna kill me" she admitted, what made me expect the worst. I raised an eyebrow, glaring at her.

"I'll go look myself." I pushed past her to the kitchen, finding my broken treasure on the ground. "MY COFFEE MACHINE!" I shrieked in incredulity.

I gasped, leaning against the wall. But I told myself to focus. There are other things to worry about and other drinks with caffeine out there.

I looked up at them. "Well, sometimes there are losses in a war like this, I'll have to accept it. But we have to get our shit done! No time for me to mourn about fading romances."

Caroline sighed in relief. I continued: "I'll go prepare the rooms, Laura sets up the kitchen and you - I pointed at Caroline - you will go and ask for mattresses next door. Okay, go go go!"

When we were almost done, Caroline returned. "Guyyys!", "What is it?" I asked curiously. "Guess who lives next door." - "Barack Obama", Laura suggested, pushing past us to reach for another carton. "It's Marianne," Caroline announced and then added: "she offered to help us, she moved here from Nuremberg last week, but she was staying there because it was easier to get to the concert that way."

I started to smile at the thought of the banana suit incident - what a coincidence she moved to the same building! 

"That's so nice of her. But I think she doesn't have to help, we're almost done. Should we help you to get the mattresses into the living room?", "It's only one. We might as well have to share our beds. Lashton has to sleep on it, I guess." I nodded. "Okay." Wait what?

  A while later

The doorbell rang. I hopped up from my bed and sprinted to the door, passing the full-length mirror and - "Shit." - I forgot to change my clothes due to the stress and I look like crap. Laura already went to her boyfriend's apartment, which meant that Caroline was the only one left, so I yelled: "Could you send them up here? I have to change real quick" and ran to the bathroom, not even waiting for her reply.

I did my hair and make-up as fast as possible and sprinted to my room to put on proper clothes. I opened my suitcase as the wardrobe wasn't set up yet and searched for my Green Day shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans - it was my favorite outfit. When I heard a loud knock at the door, I got up, went over to it and knocked back.

We repeated it three times and then burst out laughing. I finally opened the door and it revealed four handsome looking, smiling boys, shouting "Hellooo" in unison. I told them to come in. 

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