You're so punk rock - Chp. 3

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In the last chapter...

Well, now I know what that wink was for.

Caroline's so happy. She told me about how Calum looked really impressed and that it made her proud. But why did Michael do this? Maybe I'll get to ask him sometime.

The concert was getting to its end and I must say: I really enjoyed it. Their songs are awesome, I'll have to look them up when I'm home. I also have to do a new YouTube video this week, maybe a Vlog of me moving to Cologne.

Besides Caroline, my friend Laura will move in, too. She has also dreamt of this, to be a YouTuber and move to Cologne someday. But someday isn't the future anymore, it's the present.

Talking about the present: the boys had stopped singing and now were talking about how awesome it was to perform here and yelled: "Goodnight Munich!". Everyone screamed as they bowed together and Ashton even threw his drumsticks into the crowd.

Then they went off stage and the first people slowly went to the exit. But we didn't. Michael told us to keep sitting and to wait for the Security Guys who would pick us up.

After about 15 minutes, the other people were gone and a very tall guy in black clothes came up to us.

"Jade and Caroline?" he asked with a deep voice. We nodded hesistantly, intimidated by his tough appearance. "Follow me."

He guided us Backstage, through hallways that I hadn't even seen before.
He stopped and pointed at a door to his right. "The boys are in there. I'll go now. Have fun." Then he left. From the inside I could hear someone giggle, and I knocked.

Michael opened the door, looking a bit sweaty (maybe from being so hot). "Hey, come in already!" he said smiling. I entered, looked around the room and recognized Ashton, Luke and Calum, who were laying on a big couch.

They were looking at us, everyone of them smiling as they greeted us. Michael told us to take a seat, so I sat down next to him and Ashton, Caroline next to Calum. He kept staring at her for some reason.

"How'd you like the show, Jade? I heard you didn't know us 'till tonight" Ashton asked, the others nodding in agreement. "Well, there's only one answer to this. I had a blast. You guys were insane! I really enjoyed it!" I said, laughing.

Then Luke said: "Thanks! So where are you two from?" Caroline answered: "Oh, we're from Regensburg. But we're moving to Cologne this week, it's a very nice city." - They yelled "awesome!" in unison and I smiled to the thought of it.

Then Michael stood up and asked: "Hey, why don't we play Truth or Dare? I think that'd be fun, wouldn't it?" we exchanged a look and then said, "Yeah, why not!"

So we sat on the ground in a circle, Luke was the first one to spin the bottle. It landed on...
"CALUM! Truth or Dare?" 
"Okay, umm let me think... Ha, I know! You have to buy a Pizza with bugs on it and eat it!"

Calum pulled a grossed out face and sighed, us laughing and Michael saying "He sure won't want to have another slice", then Ashton snorted and said: "C'mon man, don't be a wuss!" Calum didn't seem like appreciating that.

"NOO don't do this to mee you know I get very emotional when it comes to food!" he whined, shoving Luke's shoulder, who said: "Okay, no bugpizza. But then you'll have to tweet that I'm sexy!"

Michael: "For fuck's sake, Luke!"
Ashton: "Hey don't swear!"
Michael: "I do what I want, I'm punk rock!"
Calum: "No you're not"
Luke: "But I am sexy!"
Michael: "Shut the fuck up, Luke!"

Everyone was laughing, especially Caroline and I, saying "You guys are weird, I like that". Ashton giggled, then Michael said: "Okay guys, we better not continue. How about Guitar Hero on the bus? We'll have to go there anyway." We agreed, they grabbed their things and we went outside.

The bus was so cool. There were four bunks, two on each side, a little kitchen, a toilet and a lounge. We went to the lounge and Ashton turned on the XBox. "So, who's playing what?"
Michael said: "I'll go for the guitar and I'd say Beat it!" I hesitantly spoke up:

"Well I'd like to play the drums and I'm also for Beat it," They cheered and Calum stared at Caroline again: "Caroline, you could play the bass! You were really good before."

She blushed and then nodded, thanking him. The four of us took our places and started 'Beat It'. I was really having fun and Michael looked over to me while he played the guitar easily.

As the song was over, I yelled "You're so punk rock" to him and he smiled proudly. Calum had that look on his face again... I think he's crushing on Caroline.

I took out my phone and saw that it was getting late already. Caroline studied Chemistry and I knew that she had an important exam tomorrow morning, so I said: "Hey guys, I'm sorry but we have to leave now. It was really funny to hang out with you. Maybe we'll see each other again after your tour?"


Nooo! She can't go now. Damn... she's so amazing and I got in trouble with management for this. But maybe we'll see each other again after the tour, just like she said. And I think Calum is crushing on her friend, Caroline. I will ask him later.

Suddenly something pops up in my head. "Jade, when we want to see each other again, maybe you two should get our phone numbers." I know I only said this so I could talk to her, but I couldn't just tell her that. She's interesting and she's different and... I like that.

We all exchanged numbers and then I went to hug Jade. She was shorter than me, so I had to bow down a little to bring her into my arms. It was a long hug and I closed my eyes, thinking about how much I wanted her to stay.

Then I slowly backed away again, releasing her while I looked her in the eyes. These beautiful green eyes that made me lose myself in them. Her long, dark brown hair and how she dressed. Her voice. And god, her laugh. It was addicting.

Now the others were hugging her too, and Caroline, of course. I could see how Calum didn't want to stop, but he did anyways because he sure didn't want it to be awkward.

We took a picture before they had to go and I posted it on twitter, writing "she said I'm punk rock" below and following her.

I wish I could take her with me on tour, so I could see her every day.
But the time came and we said goodbye. I watched them go to their car, looked at her for the last time and then turned around.

I hoped that one day we would never have to say goodbye anymore, only goodnight...


Thanks for 96 reads, 21 votes and 33 comments, this is awesome! Keep that going :) Next update soon!

Oh and I literally cried bc Wattpad deleted this chapter and I had to rewrite it. It has over 1300 words.
There were too many problems posting it, it just wouldn't work.

Currently it's stated as published but my story is just like before, without chapter three and I just want to smash my phone against the wall and into the pacific.

So just appreciate it if you can read this lol

- likeaschnitzel ☆

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