Michael sucks - Chp. 2

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In the last chapter...

Watching him smile started to grow addicting.

We turned around curiously as we heard footsteps approaching. Then Caroline came around the corner: "Hey Jade sorry I was -" she widened her eyes in shock of who also stood in the hallway. I could tell she tried to act cool, but she was definitely not calm on the inside.

She struggled to hide the grin on her face as she walked up to us. Michael took the word. "So you must be Caroline? Nice to meet you." I think her cheeks just turned slightly red. "The pleasure's all mine, Michael," she said, then they shook hands as both of them smiled. I was happy for Caroline to finally meet one of them in person.

The three of us talked for a while until Michael had to prepare for their show. He said: "See you soon!" and winked at me, then walked away happily. What's that supposed to mean? I was left wondering. Well, I had soon forgotten about it, because on our way back to where we got dropped, Hey Violet approached us. I forgot that we would get to spend time with them, too.

Casey, Miranda, Nia and Rena all were really nice and they told us how it was to be on tour with 5SOS, the rehearsing, the pranks, the fans. Summed up, they're really having a good time with 'em and even had a headline show themselves already.

However, we didn't want to miss 5SOS - the main reason we were here - so we soon had to say goodbye to these four crazy, yet awesome musicians.

Getting Backstage was easier than getting out. When we opened the door, the security guy was acting crazy, something like "you can't just sneak in and out of there, this is holy ground (true though) who do you think you are?" blablabla. Did he even work here? I think it's the same man who guided us in there.

Well, anyways. We told him about how we were chosen to get Backstage, then he gestured us that we could go now. As we did, I heard him mumble "I'm so done with this shit" in a grumpy voice and I couldn't help but smile.

We reached our seats after I nearly got an elbow punched into my back. Everyone seemed to be too excited to care about their circumstances. I could relate to that. I mean, I wasn't a fan of this band, but I knew how it was to be a fan. All the creepin'. All the smut. But also the love and dedication for people you just have too many feelings for in general.

Back in reality, I turned to Caroline. She still had to tell me something.
"So, won't you tell me what you where looking for? I know you. You didn't just 'walk around and get lost, girl. Who were you hoping to bump into?" I smirked. "Umm no one," she said with a look of guilt.

"You sure?" I smirked at her. "Okay, okay. I was hoping to bump into Calum... but I heard you talking and I decided to come back before I could get arrested for stalking or somewhat related," she said seriously.

We burst out laughing, the people around us staring. I laughed even harder as the banana suit to my right tripped and made us fall too. I sat on the ground and whaled, then giggled, as I literally fell because of a life-sized banana. I checked if they were okay and we all got back onto our feet again, the girl saying sorry all over again but I wasn't even mad.

She then introduced herself as Marianne from Nuremberg. Her hair was naturally ginger and she might have straightened it. She had dimples on her cheeks that would make her look cute even when she's angry, I supposed. She sadly was a bit shy, so we didn't talk for long.

Never Beside You × 5SOS Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora