Chapter 19

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Matt made us spend the day in his office trying to come up with something solid.Everything I'd come up with is everything Violet would oppose to, saying it was stupid and dangerous.

The whole time we'd been in there,she was glaring at Matt, claiming that he was selfish to actually like the idea of me "risking" my life for the carithuns.

"I still don't think it's fair,"The tiny but older woman next to me had said.

At that moment in time,we were agreeing on something when there had been a knock on the door.Matt muttered for the person to come in and the door slowly opened, revealing the four people I dreaded seeing.

"What are you doing here?"Violet asked as soon as they entered.At that question, Bryan withdrew the arms that had been opened as an invitation of a hug for Violet.


"No, Bryan,"I placed my hand on her shoulder and shook my head, having her take a deep breath to calm herself down and think about the next words that leave her mouth.I could not have her disowning her family just because of me,it was not okay.

"If you all are here to help then thank you but I don't think we have much time,"I simply said,"Why don't you just take seats?"

I watched as the four of them sat on the couch like lost puppies.My mom, dad and Ms Wright had the same faces but looked like kids in their mid twenties.I remembered my parents telling me that they had a removable surgery,kind of like a mask and assumed they had removed the masks.Yes, I believed it was just a rich person's way of saying masks.

"Where were we?"Matt finally spoke.

"We were unsure of whether it's the right course of action or not, I think,"I interjected.

"Right,"Matt said,"I think it's quite an excellent approach."

Yet another hour was spent in Matt's office discussing whether the plan was a good one or not.It had taken so long because there were arguments on how dangerous it was.Basically, everyone except Matt was naming the idea stupid and had refused to go along with it.

We had finally finished in the office and Violet and I were walking hand in hand through the hallway when I heard Bryan calling out to us.I had to pull the stubborn young woman that was Violet to a stop.

"Bro,we got to talk,"he said in between pants from running.

"Bryan, I hung out with you for eight years and you lie to me the whole time,that too helped my parents poison me,"I sighed,"That's not what best buds do to each other.We were supposed to do good stuff for each other, not bad stuff to each other.There is nothing to talk about dude."

"If you're so mad at me then why aren't you mad at her,"He looked at Violet,"She could have come back to you through the years, right?"

"Violet, I forgot something in Matt's office,do you mind?"I asked.

Violet reluctantly let go of my hand and walked away from us.As soon as she rounded the corner, I found myself holding Bryan by his shirt, trying to fight off the urge to punch him really hard in the face.

"You're not going to ever use Violet to get away from your doings,"I spoke through clenched teeth, finding my voice dangerously low,"There is a huge difference between someone who has been forced away and someone who's chosen to stay silent."

"Don't act like a saint,Heather,"He shouted,"Just fucking put yourself in my shoes and tell me if you would have had the guts to risk your best bud's life! Oh for God's sake, you would have died on the spot if I told you!"

I let go of him as soon as I saw Violet coming back our way with her eyebrows knitted together.Again,not literally.She raised one eyebrow and I watched as she pursed her lips, confusion etched on her face.

For a while she looked between Bryan and I and was about to walk away when I placed my hand on her waist to stop her, knowing that I shouldn't leave her to be alone after the previous night.Bryan,for some reason, looked furious at my action.

"She's not one of your toys,Heather!"

"Watch it, Bryan,"I warned.

"What toys?"Violet asked.

"So she didn't tell you about how she just has fun with girls and throws them away like leftovers!"Bryan chuckled, looking solely satisfied with himself.

"Heather,is that true?"She turned to look at me.

"Violet,I..."I stuttered.

"I'm one of them, aren't I?"Her eyes had become glossy.

Violet took off running and I gave Bryan a hard glare before running after her.I was furious at hearing her scream before I saw her fall to the ground, something sticking from her chest.My heart instantly dropped and I found myself running to her.

Blood.She was lying in a pool of her own blood,no pulse,no heartbeat nor was there the heaving that her chest used to do because she was always energetic.I fell on my knees next to her and lay my head in the crook of her neck, letting my tears soak the shirt she had been wearing.One of the many T-shirts she had taken from my closet because she claimed she liked my scent.

You can't just leave me like this,Violet .

I looked at the arrow sticking from her chest and noticed that it had been signed by the devil herself,with a smiley face.I only had one thing in my mind from then on;I was going to avenge her death.Evelyn was going to pay for taking her away from me.

I was soon being dragged away from her lifeless body, not wanting to let her go as every memory of ours came back to me.I had only just found her again.I had only just remembered her and then she was gone again,but this time she wasn't coming back and that hurt.

I could not believe that the same girl I had been teasing not long ago was lying on the ground.I tried to fight the grip of the person holding me but I couldn't, I had no strength to do it.I watched as her body was lifted from the ground and onto the stretcher.

I could not stop the tears that came when I saw her face being covered with the white cloth.She had left this world with a tear stained face.Tears that came from my reluctance to give an answer.

I turned to face Bryan,whom was holding me back and punched him.It had been his fault.Violet would have still been with me if he hadn't brought up my past.She would not have cried and she certainly wouldn't have run off like she had.She wouldn't have been shot with an arrow through the chest.

I was furious.I had been taking everything lightly but I was going to make sure to make Evelyn pay.In my eyes from that moment, she wasn't immortal,she was someone whose blood I wanted in my hands, someone whose head I wanted to reap off as a trophy for Violet.

With that thought, I marched out of the building and to the one place I knew she was.I didn't care if I died, I was going to fight and I would not go down without putting up one.


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