Chapter 17

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It had been a week with me stuck in the hospital and I hadn't been able to get proper rest.Whenever I would try to rest up, I'd dream about it.The doctor and nurse were the only ones entering my ward.They would not tell me why I was still stuck in the hospital.I was only feeling tired because I had not been sleeping and eating well,or so I kept telling myself.

Finally deciding that enough was enough, I thought of ways to get out of the hospital.On the same night, when the lights were off and the moon being my only source of light in the room, I executed my plan.I made sure to be stealthy.


As soon as that thought hit me, I knew I had to focus.I had the Space powers,which had meant I could control the air around me and gravity.I opened up the window and looked down at the cars that were passing by.It seemed like the tenth floor.If I didn't control my powers well, it was over.

Then stepping on the window sill on the outside, I looked down,way too high.My heart was battling with my chest for the moment I hit the ground,there wouldn't be any chances of survival but I couldn't just stay in a hospital for no reason and no guarantee of ever getting out.

I jumped off and was soon about to hit the ground when I had it figured out, landing safely on the roof of a moving Porsche.The driver hit the brakes and I almost fell off but somehow didn't.

"Get off my car,psycho!"The man in the car shouted, peaking out the window.

"I'm sorry,sir,"I said, simultaneously getting off of the roof of his car, paying no mind to the hospital pants and T-shirt clinging to my body almost like a second skin.Almost.I was about to walk away when I heard him speak.

"Hold on young...lady,"The man got out of the car,"Did you escape from that hospital?"

I looked at the man before me.Under the few lights, I could make out his tousled brown hair,as though someone had ran their fingers through it way too many times,his three piece navy suit clinging to his body like a second skin and his blue eyes with bags underneath.

"You look like shit,"We both said at once.

I took that as a chance for me to try to walk away before the hospital thing was brought up.The last thing I had wanted was for some man taking me back into the hospital while my only illness was lack of sleep and food.

I took a thorough look at the man,he would have undoubtedly taken me back to the hospital, although it's none of his business.His forehead creased as he noticed me examine him.

"Which direction is Yale?"I squinted my eyes.

"I can take you there,"He suggested.

"I'm 19, not an idiot,"I argued,"Do you seriously expect me to trust you?"

"Do ya need ransom for a cab?"He pressed.

"Yes,and your account details, I'll pay it back,"I said, the night air starting to get to me.

The man started looking for something in his Porsche and I backed away in case something was to go wrong.I felt like a mental asylum patient trying to get out of the asylum.The man came back and gave me a piece of paper and some money.

"Thank you,"I told him.

"I don't want it back,"He waved.

I smiled, knowing I would just return it then hauled a taxi.As I sat in the cab and gave the driver the address, I gave thought to the condition my body was in.I was feeling restless and my eyelids were quite heavy.

In a matter of a few minutes, the driver told me we were there and I stepped out, paying the man in the cab.I looked at the metal gates to find them closed.Luckily for me,the guard was there and opened the gate after a million questions.

Walking up the set of stairs, I felt like I would fall off.I leisurely knocked on the door which I knew to be my room,not even sure if it was audible.I heard shuffling before the door opened and I fell into Violet's arms because I had been balancing myself with the door.


I groaned and tried to stand straight but I couldn't.I found myself on the bed and didn't even want to question it.Although I was super tired, I knew I'd have that same nightmare again but I couldn't control when my brain sent me to sleep.

I woke up to something heavy on top of my body.Opening my eyes, I was met with Violet looking at me while laying casually on top of me.She smiled upon seeing me awake.

"Good morning,"I croaked out.

"Good evening,"She chuckled,"You slept for 21 hours."

"What?"I almost shot up.

"What happened out there? How'd you get out?The doctors there are horrible,"She rambled on.

"I jumped out of the window,"I shrugged.

That got her full attention and she turned to fully look at me dangerously slow.I chuckled and turned the tables.No, not the literal tables.Violet was then underneath me, still in a daze.

I took that as a chance and stood up to go take a shower,my stomach grumbling with hunger.I wondered if it had been the atmosphere I was in that had triggered my nightmares but I was grateful that I had been able to get some rest.

I wore sweatpants and a T-shirt that had RedX imprinted on it.I remembered that I couldn't rest for long, I had to find Evelyn's weakness.Even the immortal ones have that one thing that brings their downfalls.In short, there was no such thing as immortality.

"There's food in the microwave,"Violet stated.

I muttered a quick thanks and went into the kitchen to get the food.It had been a courgette lasagne,which looked amazing and made my stomach grumble all the more.

Violet joined me in the kitchen while I was eating and looked at me weird,as though to say something that she was not sure of but she let me finish eating first.

"Weren't you on the tenth floor of that hospital?"She furrowed her brows.

"I was,"I shrugged.

"How'd you jump out,then?"

"Powers,"I sat down again.

"How'd you get here if you don't know New Haven so well and had no money?"She pressed.

"I landed on a Porsche and the guy gave me some cash and his account details,"I said.

She looked even more confused but dropped the topic.There was definitely something else she wanted to say but for some reason,she was unsure of it.I knew her mind best for running 120 km/h.If brains were cars,her brain would have a 3.2 engine capacity or more.

"Why didn't you tell me about Evelyn?"She finally asked.

"I couldn't."

"Is that why you were so keen on training?"

"Maybe,"I replied.

"Please let me help you,"She pleaded.

"No,"I muttered,"A thousand years ago, Evelyn left a letter written,"Thousand years,love."When she followed me to the waterfall side,she said she felt that I'd be worth killing.That means this is my own battle,Vee."

"It's now ours,"She took my hand and laced her fingers with mine.

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