Chapter 2

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I looked at Violet,curled up like a ball on the bed.It was cold so I decided to cover her with a blanket,making her uncurl herself.

After realising that I was looking at her longer than I thought normal, I snapped out of it and started unboxing everything.It was everything I had ordered-clothes, blankets, pillow,spray paints and a basketball-but to my utter shock,there were still more boxes.That was when I remembered the conversation with my mom.

I opened one of the two boxes and was met with a whole load of colour.It was full of different kinds of clothes in many sets of colours.

One thing I knew,my mom always tried to get me away from black and navy blue because she never understood why I loved them."The devil's motivation,"she'd always call it.
    Back home in London, I'd sometimes find a new set of clothes and my clothes donated.She eventually gave up and let it slide.At least, I thought she gave up.

I opened the other box, expecting another set of clothes but almost fainted when I was met with what I assumed to be long dead animals.A bird,fox, springbok and watersnake.One had it's separate box and it was the dragon.They were huge.

I immediately woke Violet and she merely looked at the lifelike animals like all was normal and well.Before I even got a word out and question it,she rolled her eyes and spoke up.

"Nineteen years of your life and your parents' overprotective-ness kept you away from learning how to be a good leader on time,"she scoffed,"We're all told about the so called prophecy,but it's hidden from you because you're so precious,princess."

"Mr and Mrs Villains, overprotective,"I chuckled,"You know nothing about me, Violet!You don't know anything about my life!"I snapped.

I rushed out of the room and climbed down the five sets of stairs, ending up outside.I looked around for anything that involved breaking a sweat, knowing it'll calm me down.
    When I finally found the basketball court, I took off my blazer  despite the cold weather.

After about fifteen minutes of shooting through the hoop, I felt heated and unbuttoned my shirt all the way down then loosened my tie,exposing my bra since I was given the idea that I was alone.

"Before the bra thing, I was asking myself if you're just another one of those hot dudes whom attract girls with their long and silky hair or if I was just crazy."

I heard from behind me and quickly turned around to be met with a pair of green eyes.Her forehead wrote "bitch"-not literally of course.The girl's dark hair was tied in a neat ponytail.

"Ooh!A basketball champion mulatto! I'll take it,"She beamed at me.

She was one of those sleazeballs who thought offensive words were supposedly sexy or okay.At that point, I didn't know if I should answer or just let her be.
    She, like most people, looked away when I looked into her eyes for a while, searching for her reality within them.I turned around and started shooting again.

"She's got game.I bet even better than Chad,huh, Lizbeth?"I heard the familiar voice ask.

Is she talking 'bout me?

I assumed the brunette was scowling with the grumbling I heard.Suddenly,I wondered how she'd be as the clown from "It!". She'd definitely fit the part with her attempts to look intimidating.
"Let me guess,"Violet came into view with a genuine smile plastered on her face,"You are imagining her as Penny-wise,right?"

"How'd you..."

"I am an Earth elemental and can use my connection to Earth to read through people as a form of nature.I am represented by the springbok,"She stated.

I had wondered how long it would take for her to go back to her weird self again.I guess I had gotten my answer.I turned around and dribbled the ball for a while to try and forget what she just said,but it obviously wouldn't work.

When I entered my and Violet's room an hour later with my blazer in hand, I found everything packed away and the boxes gone.I quickly took a few stuff and went to take a shower.
    I got back in the room to find Violet busy with a lot of papers.I started wondering if that was how university life was.

"If you're busy, I could just come back later,"I stated, suddenly hyper aware of the fact that I'm wearing only a bath robe.

"No, it's cool,"She looked up and roamed my body with her eyes,"Really, dude? Black bathrobe?"

"What should I wear?A violet one?"I sassed.

Looking at her, I noticed that she was smirking while looking at me.I bet she was picturing me in a violet bathrobe.

Violet obsessed fucker!

I checked my closet, looking for something casual to wear and found a tee with a vampire print and sweat pants along with a zip up hoodie.

"You gonna watch me get dressed?"I asked.

"I'm not looking!"she exclaimed,"Besides, we're both girls."

I slowly went towards her and leaned down a bit so that I was leveled with her and stared deep into her Violet eyes.Her breath was fanning my face and it was oddly loveable.
    Her violet eyes were a bit darker.Her pink lips were dry and her breathing was a bit harsh.I took the few locks on her face and pushed them behind her ear.

"We both girls bu' I do girls."I whispered in her ear.

I looked at her and realised that her breath had hitched and eyes were widened.That made me smirk and leave the room with my change of clothes on tour.I loved doing that to girls.
I got out of the bathroom after changing and lay on the bed, stealing a glance of Violet from time to time and catching her looking away.
    Wanting to know if she was really looking at me, I yawned and she also yawned after a while and looked away,her cheeks rosy.I smirked and winked at her while she scowled.My phone ruined everything by ringing.

"Heather,is that you bro?"The familiar voice asked.


"Bryan, what's up dude?"I said, excited to hear from my best friend after a long time.

"I am back in London bu' your parents said you are in Yale!"

"Yeah, just got here this morning,"I paused as I remembered something,"Dude,you with Sean?He has my locket and my parents said it was important to get it back."

"I'm not with him anymore but he had given me the locket so it's with your parents right now,"He paused,"you busy or something? What's with the shuffling?"

"My nerdy roommate is studying,"Violet threw her pencil at me,"Ouch!Wait,bro,when you say you ain't with Sean anymore,what exactly do you mean?"

"It's all long story but we actually broke up,"He stated nonchalantly.

"Let me guess,he was cheating again?"

"Why are we even talking about Sean?"He paused,"I called to catch up with my buddy, I miss playing basketball with you!"

"Yeah,but I'm not even allowed to play basketball anymore so life has got no point,"I explained

"Your parents are... nevermind them.How about getting a girl or something?For fun?"

"The nerdy roommate's hot but nah.I don't think..."I was cut off.

"First of all,who do you think you are to just talk about me with your idiotic friends.I am not some game you play when you're bored, okay?"

"Gosh! That's so hot,"I blurted, earning a hit with a book.

"You dirty-minded,freaky spoilt brat!"She swore as she walked back to her bed.

I chuckled and went back to my call with Bryan,the call going on until my phone died

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